Sunday, March 6, 2022

Wildfire Marketing Solutions Presents: Changes & Challenges by Kimberly Mullins; #TeaserBlast, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder

by Kimberly Mullins
coming March 16!
#historicalfiction #kimberlymullins 
#needtoreaditnow #booknerdigan #bookoholic #wildfiremarketingsolutions #readmoreromance

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Emma’s adventures continue as she solves crimes and mysteries in book three of The Notebook Mysteries series.

Chicago, 1885 Emma Evans is surprised when she is contacted about the reading of a will involving a prior client.  She must determine if the inheritance is a good thing or not, it remains to be seen. Papers and business review requires Emma to go to New York City.  A trip is quickly organized, during which Jeremy and Emma draw closer to each other and their relationship deepens. As they return home, they realize that they do not want to be apart. How can they do this? What are their choices available in 1885 for a young couple?

The will comes with responsibilities and complicated tasks that also allow her to continue to expand their team’s reach and bring old friends closer.

A new case will involve hidden plots, murder, drugs, kidnapping, new and old friends from the first two books in this series.  Secrets about Jeremy and Emma’s personal life are exposed during that dramatic case that will keep you guessing. Emma will have to use all of her skills to save those in danger.

Emma adds to her adventures by meeting Tony in Paris. He needs help and Jeremy has an ulterior motive when he convinces Emma to go alone to Paris to help a friend. How can she say no?


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