Thursday, March 10, 2022

Pump Up Your Book Presents: Zanzibar's Rings by Jemima Pett; #BookTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live

Galactic communications crisis strands several well-loved travelers with deadly enemies and no safe way to get home…

By Jemima Pett
Publisher: Princelings Publications
Genre: Science Fiction
Release Date: February 22, 2022
Pages: 389 pp.
Kindle: ISIN: B093QFX6DV; 380 pages; $2.99

A Galactic crisis: the entire comms system destroyed. No waypoints, no navigation aids, no database access… and how will spaceships in flight get home—or to any destination?

Dolores is stuck in warp with a very dangerous passenger, Pete gets his shuttle back home on manual. But how come anything in close contact with pure orichalcum fixes itself? Just flying through Zanzibar’s Rings solves the problem—as the Federation’s fighters find, as they descend on the Viridian System to take possession of the planets.

Zanzibar’s Rings brings the Viridian System series to a conclusion with a bang—and a lot of whimpering. And possibly a view of things to come.

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07:00 Corsair timezone (southern hemisphere);10:00 Sunset Strip

Pete Garcia finished unloading a set of pallets destined for the small store at Corsair Central. The three thousand or so residents of the Corsair community on Viridian System 3b did not feel comfortable calling the entire planet Sunset Strip, after the main settlement in the northern hemisphere. Calling their own first settlement area Corsair Central was a step towards making it their home, even though Pete had advised against it. 

"You've got our petition to the Elders?" his sister Maya asked as she accompanied him across the level grassland back to his shuttle.

"Yes, safe here." Nowhere safer than his inside vest pocket. He kissed her and gave her a hug for good measure. "I'll persuade them, don't worry. The main thing will be to work out what to call the planet. They might resist change. Like you resisting dropping the Corsair link. If that senator hears..."

"He won't hear, and besides, lots of places in the galaxy have the same names. Two Sunsets might work, instead of Sunset Strip."

Pete sighed. He was losing his argument over using the name of their former planet, owned by the Imperium senator who'd bought land on Pleasant Valley. "Any idea gives people something to start on. Lars agrees with the concept, I think. That's a start."

"Give him my love."

He raised one eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

His sister was a married woman. Teasing her about a possible relationship with Lars was second nature to him.

"When will you be back?"

"I'll check out the progress of that order for seeds from Pankut. And have another chat with Tylene Smithson about releasing your seeds. I'm sure we can show they won't endanger the southern hemisphere biota somehow. And we've already got evidence that they can't cross to the north."

"I'm worried they won't be viable after all this space travel."

"Don't worry about it now. I'm on it."

Maya smiled and stepped away as Pete climbed into his shuttle. He gave her thumbs up from the door, and closed the outer hatch. He stood, letting the decontaminant system do its thing, then went through to take his place in the pilot's seat. He checked that everybody had cleared the area, and set off for home. Maybe he'd call Dolores from near space.

09:00 Corsair time; 12:00 Sunset Strip

Pete never tired of the view as he cleared the atmosphere and had the whole of Sunset Strip curving below; a ball of variegated patterns where the storm sector in the equatorial zone would rip anything that entered it to shreds, the smoother cloud formations to the north and south, above the habitable zones. And the dark of first sunset creeping across the world like a monster eating a cookie.

His sister and the rest of the Corsairs were right though. Sunset Strip was the northern settlement and the continent where he lived. It had never been suitable as a planetary name. Neither was Pleasant Valley, for the co-orbital planet, either. Whole world named for a single settlement. It wasn't logical.

He frowned. Something else wasn't logical. That flicker of green lightning running through the Van Allen belt. And what the heck was going on in the galaxy? The normal blue-silver disc of the spiral galaxy was speckled with green lights.

The green lightning headed straight for him. "Shields up!" he called to his Al, although surely it would be ahead of him. Why hadn't it alerted him to something in the sensors?

His control panel went dead.


21:00 Pleasant Valley time, 12:00 Sunset Strip (warpspace)

In the dark of space, Dolores Azulzumbi woke to the sound of banging on the doorway.

“What’s going on?” her Imperium senator passenger was yelling. “I’ve lost comms. I had a vital meeting!”

“Please be calm, sir. There seems to be a systems failure. Please take your seat—What was that?” 

A green flash lit up all the viewpoints. Despite the lack of a view in space, most shuttles still had portholes. 

“Sir, did you see any more of those green flashes before you lost comms?”

"Yes, a few, far off. What's going on? I demand that you open this door and let me in."

Dolores turned the manual release to ‘lock’.

"I'm afraid the mechanism is not responding sir. But we have gravity, air and water. I will give you a sitrep as soon as I have run some checks. Is the food dispenser working?"

There was a pause before he responded: "I'll check."

Dolores breathed out. Okay, emergency situation. Loss of power, but life support operational. What other checks could she give her passenger to make him feel the situation was under his control?

Meanwhile… what was her AI doing? And what the hell was it with those green flashes?


12:00 Sunset Strip

Lars Nilsson paused at the top of the hill, wondering what the green stars were in the early noon twilight. Meteorites, rather, since they blinked out. They didn’t fit any normal pattern. And lots of green mist in … the asteroid belt, he realised as he mentally mapped the sky. Green was the colour of orichalcum. What was going on?

Then he heard alarms in the town of Sunset Strip across the bay and, closer to home, screams for Maggie. He leapt down the hillside, registering small explosive noises coming from their home.

Lars bounded across the grass towards the balcony, ducking every time a spark flew from somewhere on or in the building.



She flew from under the arch of the stairway into his arms. “Everything’s exploding!”

“So I see, honey.” He held her close and ruffled her golden streaked wavy hair, tucking her head under his chin. “It’s happening over at the town, too. And I saw lights in the sky, and even in the asteroid belt. But we’re safe, huh? It seems to have stopped.”

He looked down at her, and she nodded, gathering her fears together and tucking them back into the nameless place she hid them. “I must finish freezing this batch or I’ll lose it.”

“Have we got power?”

Maggie’s mouth dropped.

“Where are the handlights?” Lars asked.

“Where we always put them.”

Armed with a wind-up torch each, they checked the electrics and the kitchen gadgets. After a thorough check of the whole villa, including the basement workshop where Pete ran various projects using a separate electricity circuit, they concluded that two circuits were working, but everything that connected with comms was down.

“That means the freezer…”

“Will be down, yes, but I can switch it over to the low power circuit. You won’t have the inventory and monitoring, but it’ll carry on freezing this batch, and keep all the rest frozen too.”

Maggie’s shoulders straightened as she relaxed. It wasn’t until her food was safely batched and stored, with an archaic stamping system to label it, that she turned her mind to other things.

“What about Dolores? And Pete? Will he be at Corsair still?”

“I don’t know.” This was serious. How in Sirtis was Pete going to be able to check where he was. Could they navigate home? Was Pleasant Valley hit by it too? If the asteroid belt had got it, then surely all the planets would be affected. And all the space ships.

Pete’s shuttle would fly if it had power, and Pete could navigate by sight around the planet, but Dolores was in deep space. How in heck was she going to get home?

10 Things you Didn’t Know about Jemima Pett

  1. Jemima wrote her first book at around age 8, called the Whispering Stream. It was ten small pages long, and written in pencil.

  2. Between 8 and 12, Jemima was a champion show jumper. She had six horses in a stable outside her house, and she won a medal in the Olympic Games with either Zingaro or Riversprite. She also built show jumps out of stuff from her father’s shed, and jumped over them in the garden. No, there were no horses, except model ones, whose stable was a shelf in her bedroom. They are still in her living room cabinet.

  3. By about 10, Jemima had graduated to terraforming and designing fantasy islands. You know, if she had been born thirty years later, there would have been a huge career for her in gaming and animation.

  4. Jemima’s careers advice at school was “well, you’re going to do maths at university, aren’t you?” Nobody said, but what next? And she hated maths at university. It wasn’t problem solving any more, and she was a problem solver.

  5. Several decades (and careers) later, Jemima decided to get into ‘environmental’ subjects, since it no longer meant ‘heating and ventilation’. First she did some grad courses with the Open University, including geology, environmental impacts, oceanography and planetary science. Then she did a Masters degree and got into research related to energy efficiency and climate change.

  6. Jemima absolutely loved working on research in energy efficiency and climate change, loved the people she worked with and the events she went to. Her particular skill is linking issues and ideas across different academic disciplines.

  7. The low point of this part of her career was being at a reception to launch some research at the Houses of Parliament, and having to shake the hand of a particularly oily politician. How was it? Clammy.

  8. Once she went part-time, she started writing again. A world running on strawberry juice in fuel cells featured strongly in her first series. She still thinks we should be researching the properties of strawberry juice as a renewable energy resource.

  9. Her first seventeen guinea pigs (over twelve years) were immortalised in her first series by having characters named after them. Her latest two guinea pigs are named after characters in the series.

  10. One vet she knew said he approached guinea pig diagnosis as follows: if he can’t identify it for a small mammal, he thinks horses and scales it down. So her guinea pigs are really show jumping horses, scaled down. Of course!

Jemima Pett has been writing stories since she was eight, but went down the science path at school, and into a business career before retraining into environmental policy research. She wrote many manuals, papers and research documents before returning to fiction, publishing the Princelings of the East in 2011. That led to ten books in the series of the same name, written for older children. She started the Viridian System series in 2014.

Jemima reckons she read all of the science fiction in her local library, and most enjoys alternative universes, time travel, consequences of social change and unusual ideas surrounding alien species.  Her favourite authors included Anne McCaffrey, Fritz Lieber, Poul Anderson, John Brunner, Robert Heinlein and Arthur C Clarke. These days she likes Becky Chambers, Matt Haig, Lindsay Buroker, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Clare O’Beara, M T McGuire, Jennifer Ellis…  She also loves series – once involved with characters she loves to read their continuing adventures.

She has degrees or diplomas in maths, earth sciences and environmental technology and studied with the Unthank School of Writing while she lived in Norfolk. She now lives in Hampshire, where she enjoys rewilding her garden, raising organically grown vegetables, and birdwatching.

She would most like everyone to use their natural resources sustainably, since we only have the one planet to support us.

Her latest book is Zanzibar’s Rings: Viridian System Series (Book 3).

Visit Jemima’s website at or connect with her at TwitterFacebookGoodreadsInstagram and Pinterest.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for inviting me to your blog today, Lynn. I really appreciate it.


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