Friday, February 4, 2022

Wildfire Marketing Solutions Presents: Dear Heart, I Hate You by Eilah Greenwood; #TeaserBlast, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder


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by Eliah Greenwood
coming February 11!
#enemiestolovers #forcedproximity
#ilovebooks #bookaholic #needtoreaditnow #readmoreromance #booknerdigan #wildfiremarketingsolutions


It all started with an ad.

"House sitter needed for the summer, room and board provided.”

Guess I missed the part about the cocky basketball player sleeping down the hall…

Finn Richards is hot, cruel, broken beyond repair. Oh, and did I mention hell-bent on making me quit?

Whatever. It's not like his charms work on me. I’m immune to his deep hazel eyes, and I'm not even a little bit curious about what happened that night…

It’s just two months.

I can definitely go two months without ripping his head off.

Only problem is,

I’m not sure the same goes for his clothes.



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