Monday, January 10, 2022

Goddess Fish Promotions Presents: Seduction Of A Duke by J.R. Salisbury; #BookTour, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder


Seduction of a Duke

by J R Salisbury

GENRE:   Historical Romance (Victorian)



You never know when cupids arrow is going to strike…
Lady Cora Keats, the only daughter of the Duke of Dover is not only beautiful, she’s confident, self-assured and sometimes a wee bit outspoken. She knows one day she’ll have to marry and settle down – her father constantly reminds her. Cora has other plans - she doesn’t want to marry…at least not now. She’s grown into an independent woman with an occupation few women dare pursue. She cannot…no she will not give up a successful business for a man. Not even if he’s an obscenely handsome duke who shares her interests.
Sebastian Steele, Duke of Hightower was sought after by all the eligible young women. Tall, muscular and stunningly good-looking, the former rake has quietly begun his search for a wife. Drawn by Lady Cora’s uniqueness and confidence he realizes through all their bickering there is something more lying beneath the surface.
Can these two opposites put aside their differences and work together for the greater good or will pride and stubbornness rule?

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"Move your arse! Move your bloody arse!"

Sebastian Steele, Duke of Hightower watched in fascination at the young woman standing at the rail yelling and making a fool of herself. Fascinated because he'd never seen a woman get so animated about a horserace. It was undignified and certainly unbecoming of a lady. Where was her husband? 

Though women did attend horse races with their husbands, they never behaved like this. She appeared to be a peer, well dressed and mannered, except for this outburst. Could it be her husband’s horse she was carrying on about?  

She continued watching the race, cheering them on. In the sun red hues sparkled off her mahogany hair. She wore dark green dress with charcoal piping along with a peplum jacket and skirt. The collar hugged her chin and was trimmed with black lace. The jacket closed with small black buttons on the front.

He turned his attention from the dark-haired woman to the race, which was winding down. The horses were headed into the homestretch, and his own entry, Apollo's Gold was proving once again to be a disappointment, holding at a good distance behind the winner. The stallion had shown great promise up until the last two races. Something was missing. He needed to send Apollo to someone who could salvage this horse's future before he ruined it.

"Better luck next time," Crispin Allgood, Earl of Yorkshire said, clasping him on the shoulder


Author Bio:

Amazon bestselling author J R Salisbury divides her time between the U.S. and U.K. with her aging Yorkie, Rocco.

When in the U.K. she finds herself shrouded in history, making an author's imagination come alive.

J R writes Victorian era and Scottish historical romance with perfectly imperfect heroes and strong, sassy heroines.

Author Links:



Instagram:  AuthorJamieSalisbury

Twitter:  @JamieRSalisbury

What do you love about writing a historical romance?

I love being able to get myself out of the real world and go somewhere in the past and imagine living in that particular time. The good and the bad.

It seems as though I’ve always been wondering, always dreaming about what it might have been like to live “back then” whenever “then” might have been. I do a lot of family genealogy which sparks a lot of this. 


Writing historical romance allows me to ponder bygone eras and visit all those places I wonder about — a medieval castle, a Regency or Victorian estate and the social events— all from the comfort of my twenty-first-century home.


Also, writing historical romance entails a lot of research for historical accuracy. It is especially true with the Regency era, though I suspect it's because its followers know the genre and time to a "t". I write primary Victorian (and Victorian Scottish) and am amazed at the things I never thought were discovered or invented in that era. It gives way for a lot of interesting storylines. 



J R Salisbury will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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  1. Thank you for hosting Seduction of a Duke!

  2. I enjoyed the excerpt and Seduction of a Duke sounds like a very enticing read that I will enjoy and I like the cover! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a fantastic week!

  3. Do you love writing historical romance?


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