Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Goddess Fish Promotions Presents: The Widow Wore Plaid by Jenna Jaxon; #BookTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Giveaway

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The tour dates can be found here: https://goddessfishpromotions.blogspot.com/2021/11/vbt-widow-wore-plaid-by-jenna-jaxon.html


The Widow Wore Plaid

by Jenna Jaxon

GENRE: Historical Romance


The Battle of Waterloo made them widows, but each has found new happiness. And Jane, Lady John Tarkington, intends to keep her freedom, even if love—and one particular gentleman—are determined to claim her heart  . . .

It is a truth rarely acknowledged—at least in public—that a wealthy widow is free to pursue a great many adventures. For two years, Jane has privately enjoyed her independence. Why should she remarry, even when the gentleman proposing is as wonderful as Gareth, Lord Kinellan? She entreats him never to ask her again. But as her Widows’ Club friends—now all joyfully remarried—gather at Castle Kinellan, Jane begins to wonder if stubbornness has led her to make a terrible mistake . . .

Kinellan needs a wife to give him an heir, and he wants that wife to be Jane. They are perfect together in every way, yet she continually refuses him. Just as he is on the point of convincing her, a series of accidents befall Gareth and point to an enemy in their midst. He has promised Jane a passionate future filled with devotion, but can he keep them both alive long enough to secure it?   













“The men would stay here how long to hunt?” The primitive accommodations did not instill confidence in Jane. She’d likely not make it here a single night.

“According to my father, sometimes a week or more.”

Grimacing, Jane moved to the single door on the right. “What room is this?”

“That chamber is reserved for the Kinellan.” He opened the door and ushered her in.

Much larger than the other rooms, this one boasted a large double-sized poster bed with curtains around its four sides made of what was once costly blue brocade fabric, though now faded and dusty looking. At the time they were new they must have been quite elegant.  The walls of this chamber were not Spartan as the other rooms, but decorated with several sets of antlers, a portrait of some Seton ancestor she assumed, and an ancient broadsword hung beneath the Seton coat of arms. A chest on chest and a wardrobe gave the room an aura of sophistication after the other sparsely furnished rooms.

“I see the Kinellan likes his luxuries.” She ran her hand over the comforter and pressed down on the mattress, testing the bed. “Although this mattress is quite lumpy.”

“Really?” Kinellan suddenly loomed overtop of her and she caught her breath. “That could be unfortunate.”

“Unfortunate?” Her voice rose to a squeak as he tipped her head back and lowered his mouth to hers.

The insistence of his lips, the tension in his body, and the bulge in his buckskins all told of his desire.

So much the better.


Author Bio:

Jenna Jaxon is a best-selling author of historical romance, writing in a variety of time periods because she believes that passion is timeless. She has been reading and writing historical romance since she was a teenager. A romantic herself, Jenna has always loved a dark side to the genre, a twist, suspense, a surprise. She tries to incorporate all of these elements into her own stories.

She lives in Virginia with her family and a small menagerie of pets--including two vocal cats, one almost silent cat, two curious bunnies, and a Shar-pei beagle mix named Frenchie.

Author Links:

Blog:  www.jennajaxon.wordpress.com

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/jenna.jaxon

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Jenna_Jaxon

Instagram: @passionistimeless

“What speaks to you as you write a historical romance?”

Being a life-long lover of history and a history major as an undergraduate in college, I can assure you that history has always spoken to me in a very intimate way. I’ve always been fascinated by various time periods and especially how people lived during eras that were much different from my own.

This sensibility certainly carries over into my work as I pen historical romances in a variety of periods. So one of the biggest things that speaks to me while writing is the time period itself. I’m curious about all kinds of things: distances a carriage can travel in a day, how a lady’s maid dressed, what kinds of carriages were available, what did dueling pistols look like. I have a voracious hunger to get all the details in my novels as historically correct as I possibly can, and so I delve into research with both feet, sometimes taking huge amounts of time to track down one tiny piece of minutiae that I believe the necessary to build the historical world of my novel.

What also often speaks to me are the characters themselves—sometimes in very literal ways. They really do have voices that I can hear in my head (I hope that doesn’t sound psychotic) and I usually listen to them because, after all, this is their story. Once I needed a name for a very minor character—a previous suitor of the heroine. That’s all. And out of nowhere a voice whispered, “Amiable.” I’d never heard that word used as a name before, but suddenly, with that whispered name, the character sprang to life for me. He went on to have his own very successful romance in that same series. So now I do tend to listen when characters speak to me.



Jenna Jaxon will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Hosted By:

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  1. A gorgeous cover and an intriguing synopsis and excerpt, this sounds like a wonderful read. Thank you for sharing the author's guest post and book details

    1. Thank you, Bea! I'm so glad you enjoyed the excerpt! :)

  2. Thank you so much for hosting me and The Widow Wore Plaid today, Lynn!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting me today, Lynn!

  4. This sounds like a really good read.

  5. Who is your biggest influence?


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