Thursday, December 16, 2021

Goddess Fish Promotions Presents: The Christmas Makeover by Susan Lute; #BlurbBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Giveaway

The Christmas Makeover

by Susan Lute

GENRE: Sweet, small town romance



He’s ready for the lights…

Baker Grant Reed loves discovering new Christmas recipes, making people smile, and Angel Point—not necessarily in that order. But when his editor turns down his proposal for a Christmas cookbook, he must show her how serious he is about becoming the premier pastry chef in the country. He turns to his best friend, Faith—if anyone can give him a complete makeover that will turn heads, she can.

She knows how to make things sparkle…

In her past, Faith Hathaway was a costume designer for some of Broadway’s most prestigious plays. Now, after moving to Angel Point to help her grandfather, she owns and operates a vintage boutique and helps out at the local theater. When Grant asks for a makeover, she’s torn—she loves him the way he is, mismatched socks and all.

In exchange, he promises to show Faith, who has never enjoyed the holiday season, the magic of an Angel Point Christmas. But as the two grow closer, Grant can’t help but wonder…has he got his Christmas wish all wrong?

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“Okay, here's the deal.” Grant gave her a searching look. “I want you to give me a makeover.”

“A makeover?” Faith sat back in her chair. “Why?”

“I need to convince Rachel that I'm ready to take on the world with my cookbooks. That means—”

“Getting a new look?” She frowned at the man watching her so closely. 

“My favorite jeans have holes in them. I love Christmas more than the average elf. Oh, and my socks never match.”

Faith tried to hold in her laughter but failed. “I like all those things about you, except your jeans and those hideous, loud T-shirts you wear.”

“See?” He threw up his hands before he caught on that she was teasing. He joined in her laughter. “If I'm going to make people watching the video believe I'm a respectable baker, it all starts with a new look. You're the costume designer, so I know you can do this.”

Well, dang it. The wind went out of her best-first-date-ever sails. She sighed heavily, patting her upper chest. “Grant, that's just all window dressing. What's important is what's in here.” 

He held her gaze. “You're right, but if people can't get past the window, how are they ever going to find the good stuff inside?”

Heat flashed up her neck as she admitted softly, “I like you just the way you are.”

“I appreciate that, but—” He squeezed her hand. “The YouTube gig was your idea.”

A good friend would help a guy in need. The words played in her mind, not on his lips.

She sputtered out, “You are . . . kind of . . . scruffy. But what's in it for me?” If she sounded self-serving enough, maybe he'd change his mind.



Susan is an award winning author of contemporary romance, women's fiction, and dystopian romance. Like all children of military families, she spent her childhood moving from one duty station to the next. She likes to say she is first and foremost a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, dreamer, and novelist. These days, when not working as a Registered Nurse, she remodels her house and writes whenever she can.




Instagram: authorsusanlute







Susan Lute will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via

rafflecopter during the tour.

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  1. Susan, The Christmas Makeover sounds like a fun holiday read for me to enjoy and I love the cover! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a magical holiday season!


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