Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Xpresso Tours Presents: Wild For Me by Tam DeRudder Jackson; #BlogTour, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder, #Giveaway

Wild For Me
Tam DeRudder Jackson
Balefire Series, #3
Publication date: November 18th 2021
Genres: Adult, New Adult, Romance


Annabelle Stewart, all tight leather skirt and hot lace panties, thundered into my life for one night after a rock show and calmly drove away the next day. She should have been like any other one-night stand I’ve had over the last ten years touring with Balefire. But she wasn’t. At odd moments, I catch myself thinking about her, wondering if I made as big an impression on her as she did on me.

Then I walk into the rehearsal for our drummer’s wedding, and who’s standing with the bride? The hottie who keeps me awake with thoughts of our one night together. Beautiful, smart, and sassy as hell, Annabelle sets me on fire with her kisses and leaves me hanging. But I’ve got plans for her.


I never expected to see him again. Two years after hooking up with Dakota Perri after a Balefire concert, I’d convinced myself that night was a fantasy. But the way he looks at me during Jack and Clio’s wedding, like he remembers every second of our one-night stand, lights me up. Too bad I blew it.

Then I score a management internship with the band, an opportunity guaranteed to land me a scholarship with a top graduate program—if I don’t earn a reputation for sleeping my way to success. Which is a problem. I see Dakota every day. Every time we’re together, the sparks fly faster and hotter. If I want to achieve my goals, I have to resist him. But how can I resist a man as panty-meltingly hot as Dakota Perri when he says he’s wild for me?

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Since the wedding party took the dance floor in the middle of the song, I didn’t have to endure MandMs’s stiff body and jerky dance moves for long. When the song ended, though, I couldn’t resist a parting shot. I snapped my teeth near her ear, and she nearly jumped out of her dress. “Thanks for the dance. The Big Bad Wolf will leave you alone now,” I whispered.

Without waiting for her response, I turned on my heel and headed for my prize. After being a good boy and putting up with the goofy bridesmaid, I deserved some alone time with Annabelle.

During a quiet moment at the rehearsal last night, I’d casually asked Clio about her. The fact that she’d remained unattached since I met her gratified me. I didn’t want to have to take out some schmo who thought he stood a chance with her. Plus, her attending the wedding dateless gave me the green light for enjoying another night—or two—with her. Knowing she’d be here was one of the reasons I came stag. Of course, attending any function with a date would have meant giving up opportunities, and that never figured into my MO.

By the time I finished teasing MandMs, Annabelle had nearly made it off the dance floor. Snagging her hand, I tugged her back to me.

“Annababy, I think it’s my turn to dance with you.”

I couldn’t help but smirk at her wide-eyed stare in response to the endearment I’d made up on our one night together. “Hey, you told me last night if I wanted to dance with you, all I had to do was ask.”

Though the band kicked into something up-tempo, I pulled Annabelle close, wrapping my arms around her, probably holding her way too close for a polite dance at the start of the evening. Not that I gave a shit. I’d been waiting a long time for this moment.

She held herself stiffly, her hands barely resting on my biceps. I needed her to relax, be herself with me.

“I heard you girls had a good time last night.”

“We did, thanks.”

“You give Clio some special stuff to encourage Jack on their honeymoon?” I couldn’t rein in the wicked chuckle that escaped me.

Annabelle shivered deliciously against me, and I pulled her body flush with mine as I swayed us to the music.

“Definitely,” she replied with a knowing smile. “MandMs surprised the heck out of us with the bag of tricks she gave Clio.”

“MandMs?” I pulled back enough to catch her eye. “From my experience with that one, I’d think she gave Clio a blanket masquerading as sleepwear.” I couldn’t help the accompanying eye roll. Honestly, that woman had tried my patience almost to my last nerve.

Annabelle laughed. I couldn’t tell if she laughed at me or at her friend, but I didn’t care. Her laughter made me think of champagne bubbles, all light and round. When she laughed, she relaxed, her full breasts pillowing perfectly against my chest. It was all I could do to keep my hands wrapped around her waist rather than let them explore further south over her pretty round ass.

Her expression turned positively naughty as she described MandMs’s gift to Clio. My eyes widened as she shared the details of flavored body paint and fur-lined handcuffs.

“Get out! Are we talking about the same person here? The one who needed two glasses of liquid courage to dance half a dance with me a few minutes ago?”

“She thinks you’re scary.” Annabelle smirked.

“I know.” I sighed dramatically. “She told me when she finally started speaking to me.” I leaned in close, rubbing my jaw lightly against the side of Annabelle’s face. “You don’t think I’m scary though,” I purred into her ear.

Again with the full-body shiver. I have to admit, I liked the way the woman couldn’t help but respond to me.

She sighed and pulled away, leveling a look at me. “I know you’re scary. When it comes to women, you’re a pirate, stealing all our common sense. I’ve seen your show live, remember? Every possible style of women’s lingerie literally carpeted that stage and the floor in front of it at Red Rocks.”

“Except for your sexy black lace thong.” I quirked a brow. “That hung off my guitar for most of the show.”

She gasped. “You remember what I threw onto the stage that night?”

“There were three hotties in the front row whose attention I wanted later. One of them turned out to be Clio, who obviously was spoken for. The other one tossed up a red lace bra, and I had a notion to follow up on her invitation.” She shot me a look, and I chuckled. “You tossed up those incredibly sexy panties. But I gotta say, Annabelle, you were definitely the prize.”

She blinked at me.

“Usually, I’m not a big fan of weddings, but I was looking forward to this one when I found out you’d be attending it.”

Author Bio:

Tam DeRudder Jackson is the author of the paranormal romance Talisman Series and the contemporary romance Balefire Series. Her favorite “room” in her house is her back patio where she dreams up stories of romance and risk. When she’s not writing her latest paranormal or contemporary romance, you can usually find her driving around with the top down in her convertible or carving turns on the slopes of the local ski hill. The mom of two grown sons, Tam likes to travel, attend rock concerts, watch football and soccer, and visit old car shows with her husband. She lives in the mountains of northwest Wyoming where she spends most of her free time trying to read all the books. Her TBR piles are threatening to take over her office, and she’s fine with that.

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  1. There are so many great books featured here. My TBR has started groaning... Thanks so much for including Wild For Me today.


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