Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Xpresso Tours Presents: Revenge de los Muertos by Talis Jones; #BookBlitz, #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Giveaway

Revenge de los Muertos
Talis Jones
(Fifth Sun, #1)
Publication date: November 2nd 2021
Genres: Adult, Urban Fantasy
#Bibliophile #Bookshelf #BookClub #Bookish #Booksy
#BookNerd #BookWorm #XpressoTours #talisjones
#fifthsun #urbanfantasy #BookBlogger #BookQueen
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Selah’s biggest dilemma was trying to decide what to study in college. That is, until she stumbled across a clue to the grandparents she’d never met and hopped on a plane to Mexico where she would discover an entire hidden world of magic and monsters. Her best friend was a bruja, the Chupacabra was more than a myth, and she’d inadvertently caught the attention of the terrifying Blood King with beautiful golden eyes. What started as a two-week vacation quickly devolved into an adventure she might never return from.

Día de los Muertos had almost arrived and the monsters were on the hunt.

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“G’night,” Noa yawned finally before claiming the remaining bedroom next door.

I moved to shut my own door when Rafael prowled past, likely heading towards his own room at the end of the hall. At least I guessed it was his as it was the only door kept firmly shut. Seeming to sense my gaze, he pivoted and met me at the doorway. Leaning against the frame with his arms crossed he stared deep into my eyes almost as if searching for answers in there though he must not find them because a frown quickly tugged at his mouth.

“How did you and your friend meet?” he asked curiously.

My fingers fiddled nervously with the doorknob as a fond smile lit up my face. “School. We’ve gone to the same school since I can remember and she was always in my classes, sitting with me at lunch, wanting to be my friend. Noa is pretty direct. When she decides something, she makes it happen.”

“I can see that,” he nodded tersely.

Wanting to smooth things over, I thanked him. “I’m really very sorry about the mix up, but thank you for letting us stay. We really don’t mind finding a hotel tomorrow,” I assured him. “This is your home and we don’t want to intrude.”

Something I said, though I couldn’t guess what, caused his lips to twitch. “You are free to stay. I do not mind.” I arched an eyebrow and he released an amused huff. “Much,” he amended.

“Well, thank you,” I offered again. “You are very kind and generous to offer.”

“Not many would use those words to describe me,” he shook his head, his voice low enough that I wasn’t sure I was meant to hear him.

“Then they don’t know you,” I answered anyway. It was an impulsive response because I didn’t know him beyond his name and yet it felt right. Or maybe I was just a people pleaser like Noa teased me of being.

Even if offered in ignorance, my words made him pause. “Call me Rafi,” he smiled. Then with a shove off the door frame, he resumed prowling towards his room.

Leaning out into the hall, I called softly so as not to disturb Noa, “Goodnight, Rafi.”

He sent me a final glance. “Buenas noches, Selah.”



“Strong illusionist nahualtin, a siren, and now another reaper?” Antonio shook his head. “What don’t they have in their rogue little coven, eh?”

Crouched down beside the body, I examined it carefully before drawing out my magic to see if their killer left behind any trace. Magic often did unless they’re powerful enough or have the time to cover it up. Of course, I might not recognize the scent (for lack of a better word) though Raúl could try to hunt it and if I ever did come across the person, I’d recognize them at once.

“Do you know who it was?” Francisca asked after I released my magic and sat back on my heels.

“No,” I sighed unhappily. “They tried to cover their trace up, but either they were rushed or weak because I broke through their spell easily.”

“Raúl,” she summoned sharply.

Raúl bounded over already shifted.

“Take a whiff and go with Damien to track them down,” I ordered before standing up. The pair nodded and after Raúl took a good sniff with his tlacocoyotl nose they turned tail, their eyes glowing with the hunt. “Antonio, deal with the body.”

“Want me to take it to the basement for a more thorough search? He doesn’t have any I.D. but maybe there’s a tattoo or some other identifying mark on him.”

“Do it then dispose of the body somewhere he’ll be found,” I clipped. “He’s not one of us. If he has family, they deserve to find him. Have Alicia deal with the police.”

With a nod, Antonio bent down and hoisted the corpse over his shoulder before casting a spell to hide them from sight.

Francisca and I stood alone in the alley where the body was found. A siren had been leaving her gig at a club when she’d stumbled across him and sent a text to Antonio who handled these sorts of tips. Winter drew nearer and the papel picado danced above us with the breeze in taunt. The streetlight that should have illuminated this narrow walkthrough remained dark, bits of glass on the ground around its base. This attack had been calculated.

Author Bio:

Talis Jones is a Mexican-English author of magic and mischief. Graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Theatre she has explored both stage and film, now finding herself drawn towards the literary world as a new venue for storytelling.

Dog mom, Broadway enthusiast, and life-long bibliophile, Talis currently resides in North Carolina.

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