Friday, November 12, 2021

Wildfire Marketing Solutions Presents: Sneaking Around With #34 by Piper Rayne; #CoverReveal, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder

Release Date: March 8
#hockeyromance #fakerelationship 
#readyourheartout #readmoreromance #piperrayne #needtoreaditnow #bookaholic #booknerdigan #wildfiremarketingsolutions

I have a reputation for being tight-lipped. You learn quick when you become a professional hockey player to be guarded with the media, so I’ve worked hard to cover up the mistakes of my youth.    


But when I’m traded to the Florida Fury, where my ex–best friend is the starting right wing, I’m forced to confront my past. Ford and I have a lot of history, especially when it comes to his little sister, Imogen. 


My heart still lurches in my chest when I see her.

My hands want to reach out and touch her. 

My mouth wants to keep apologizing. 


She’s the only woman who ever made me want more. But she’s also the one who fell victim to my most regrettable decision.


I’m not a believer in fate, but I must be back in her world for a reason. I’ve fought for everything I’ve gotten and I’m not backing down from what I know will be the best thing in my life. 

Pre-Order Your Copy Here!

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Meet Piper Rayne:

Piper Rayne is a USA Today Bestselling Author duo who write “heartwarming humor with a side of sizzle” about families, whether that be blood or found. 

They both have e-readers full of one-clickable books, they're married to husbands who drive them to drink, and they're both chauffeurs to their kids. 

Most of all, they love hot heroes and quirky heroines who make them laugh, and they hope you do, too!

Connect with Piper Rayne:

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