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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

RBTL Book Promotions Presents: Rescue Me by Andrew Grey; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live

Title: Rescue Me
Author: Andrew Grey
Series: Standalone
Genre: M/M Contemporary Romance
Publisher: DreamSpinner Press
Release Date: July 20, 2021
Edition/Formats Available In: eBook


Everybody needs to be rescued sometime.

Veterinarian Mitchell Brannigan gets off to a rocky start with his new neighbor when someone calls the town to complain about the noise. Mitchell runs a shelter for rescue dogs, and dogs bark. But when he goes to make peace, he meets Beau Pfister and his fussy baby daughter, Jessica… and starts to fall in love.

Beau moved out to the country to get away from his abusive ex-husband, but raising an infant alone, with no support network, is lonely and exhausting. The last thing he expects is a helping hand from the neighbor whose dogs he complained about.

Mitchell understands what it’s like to live in fear of your ex, and he’s determined to help Beau move on. But when an unseen menace threatens the shelter and Beau, it becomes apparent that he hasn’t dealt with his own demons.

With each other and a protective Chihuahua for support, Mitchell, Beau, and Jessica could make a perfect family. Mitchell won’t let anything happen to them.

But who’s going to rescue him?


“As long as it isn’t too loud, watching a movie would be nice,” Beau said, gently transferring Jessica to her carrier. She didn’t wake, and he put the carrier on the floor, Randi right next to it like a small guard dog.

“What’s with her?” Beau asked.

“I think she’s watching over her,” Mitchell explained. “She’s never been aggressive, but something about Jessica draws her. Dogs are very intuitive, and they bond sometimes with the person they want. It can be strange who they pick, because it isn’t necessarily the person who feeds them.” He gently stroked her head, and Randi closed her eyes, settling onto the cushion.

“Have you ever brought one of the dogs home from the shelter before? Is this something you do to give them an outing or something?” Beau asked, sitting on the side of the sofa nearest to Jessica.

“No. I don’t want to give the dogs false hope. If I could, I’d probably bring all the dogs home and keep every single one. That’s why I keep the dogs in the shelter and work so hard to find homes for them.” There was a part of his heart that he was afraid to give away once more.

“Well, if you don’t mind my saying so, I think you have someone who wormed their way into your heart.” Beau smiled and even he reached over to lightly stroke Randi’s head. “I’d say she’s a keeper.” He fiddled with the blankets. “What movies do you like?”

Mitchell brought up his cable on demand and let Beau choose one. “Would you like something to drink?”

Beau groaned. “Do I dare have a beer like an adult? It’s been so long.”

Mitchell brought glasses of a local microbrew from a growler and set them on the table. “It’s a red ale from Molly Pitcher. I love what they do.” He sat on the sofa as well.

“Is this okay?”

Singin’ in the Rain?” Mitchell said with a smile. He would never have guessed Beau would choose that. “I love old movies too, and Debbie Reynolds is so cute in this. Such a talent.” He leaned back as the movie started. “Thank you for staying.” He turned and found Beau staring back at him. Mitchell wasn’t sure what the look meant for a second until a flash of hunger passed across Beau’s eyes. It didn’t last long before he turned back to Jessica with a sigh. Then he lifted his beer and drank a good portion of the glass.

Andrew grew up in western Michigan with a father who loved to tell stories and a mother who loved to read them. Since then he has lived throughout the country and traveled throughout the world. He has a master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and works in information systems for a large corporation.

Andrew’s hobbies include collecting antiques, gardening, and leaving his dirty dishes anywhere but in the sink (particularly when writing)  He considers himself blessed with an accepting family, fantastic friends, and the world’s most supportive and loving partner. Andrew currently lives in beautiful, historic Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

Author Links:

Facebook Group All the Way with Andrew Grey

Twitter @andrewgreybooks

For Other Works by Andrew Grey
(Please Be Sure To Stop by His Website to See All of His Works)

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