Thursday, July 22, 2021

Audiobookworm Presents: Into Neon by Matthew A. Goodwin; #Audiobook #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live

Author: Matthew A. Goodwin
Narrator: Zachary Johnson
Length: 6 hours 15 minutes
Series: A Cyberpunk Saga, Book 1
Publisher: Matthew A. Goodwin
Producer: Audiobook Empire
Released: Jun. 15, 2021
Genre: Science Fiction; Cyberpunk

“Star Wars Meets Blade Runner In An Awesome Adventure!” -Amazon Review (5 Stars) Moss’ life is going nowhere until a mysterious woman knocks on his door and leaves him with the key to take down one of the world’s largest corporations. When he discovers a familial connection to the stranger, Moss leaves the comfort of his home with his best friend for the sprawling megacity. There, he joins a group of ruffians dedicated to freeing people from the yoke of the evil companies. Police-for-hire, motorcycle gangs and betrayal threaten them at every turn. Can Moss help this small group of rebels fight the power before it’s too late? Find out in Into Neon: A Cyberpunk Saga.



 Matthew A. Goodwin has been writing about spaceships, dragons and adventures since he was twelve years old. His passion for fantasy began when he discovered a box set of the Hobbit radio drama on cassette tape in his school’s library at the age of seven. He fell in love with fantasy worlds and soon discovered D&D and Warhammer miniatures. Not wanting to be limited by worlds designed by others, he created Thutopia (now called the Thuton Empire), a fantasy world of his own which he still writes about to this day. Like many kids with an affinity for fantasy, a love of science fiction soon followed. He loved sweeping space operas and gritty cyberpunk stories which asked questions about man’s relationship to technology. That led him to write his first published work, Into Neon: A Cyberpunk Saga, which takes place in a larger science fiction universe. He has a passion for travel and wildlife and when he is not off trying to see the world, he lives in San Francisco with his wife and son.
Q&A with Author Matthew A. Goodwin
  • Tell us about the process of turning your book into an audiobook.
    • Audiobook Empire made the process so easy for me. The idea of setting up an audiobook was something I had wanted to do since publication, but actually putting it all together seemed daunting. Given how streamlined they made this for me, I am planning to release my entire series in audio format.
  • Do you believe certain types of writing translate better into audiobook format?
    • No, I think there is a place for all types of literature in audio format. I am as likely to listen to a six-hour murder mystery as I am a thirty-four-hour biography.
  • Was a possible audiobook recording something you were conscious of while writing?
    • Not consciously. I did not even know if people would pick up my book when I first wrote Into Neon. I was mostly just writing a book that I wanted to read, and I have been thrilled with the positive response. An audiobook seemed almost like an impossible dream when I was first writing and so it is a dream come true that it is coming out now.
  • How did you select your narrator?
    • This was a no brainer. Zach brought the perfect energy to the project, crafted the voices of the characters exactly right and, as an added bonus, is a huge fan of cyberpunk. Since I write in a somewhat niche genre, having a narrator who loves it is something I really appreciate.
  • How closely did you work with your narrator before and during the recording process? Did you give them any pronunciation tips or special insight into the characters?
    • We worked quite closely, and Zach worked hard to find the right voice for all the various characters in the book. There were only a few names of things that I had to make sure were right, but it turned out that he was already saying the words the way I wanted.
  • Were there any real-life inspirations behind your writing?
    • The real world is the foundation on which all good cyberpunk is created. If you are going to envision a realistic near-future, you must understand the present as well. Looking at trends in technology and society certainly help to craft a science fiction setting that fells real.
  • How do you manage to avoid burn-out? What do you do to maintain your enthusiasm for writing?
    • Reading is the thing that seems to help break the log jams in my mind or get me excited again. Reading outside of my genre helps too. Sometimes I just need a break from the thing that I am thinking about all the time and escaping into the world of another author seems to do the trick.
  • Are you an audiobook listener? What about the audiobook format appeals to you?
    • Absolutely! Audiobooks were what taught me to love science fiction and fantasy when I was young. The Hobbit audiobook and the radio dramatization of The Empire Strikes Back were in my Walkman all the time! As I grew up, my passion for audiobooks never left. I still listen whenever I can and will never stop.
  • If you had the power to time travel, would you use it? If yes, when and where would you go?
    • I am not sure that I would use the power since it pretty much ALWAYS goes wrong, but if I could go back and walk the streets of Ancient Rome, I would want to do it. I love history but that society, more than just about any other, fascinates me.
  • What’s next for you?
    • I have several more books to come in the Cyberpunk Saga series as well as audiobooks coming for the rest of them as well. Follow ThutoWorld on your favorite social media to keep up with all my news.

Lover of mathematics, devourer of science fiction, and connoisseur of the dad joke. When he's not doing math for business or fun, he's devouring science fiction and fantasy, reading up on scientific advancements, going for a jog, or, on all too rare occasions, taking a refreshing swim at the beach. At your service, you shall have an able storyteller and gifted conveyor of information. Experienced in narrating fiction, from the romantic to the post-apocalyptic, and nonfiction, from the historical to the corporate, and armed with the tools to make it all sound great, Zachary promises that, no matter the job, you'll be read-iculously pleased!


 At Audiobook Empire, audio reigns supreme, narrators are hailed as heroes, and headphones are worn with pride. Marrying pomp and circumstance with quality you can count on, Audiobook Empire is a full-service production house that produces and promotes audiobooks with gusto. Give your audiobook the imperial treatment by producing it with Audiobook Empire.
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