Thursday, June 17, 2021

Elle Woods PR Presents: Beyond Retribution by Barbara Nolan; #ExcerptReveal, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder


Keep reading for a spicy, NSFW excerpt from 
Beyond Retribution by Barbara Nolan!

 releases June 21, preorder today.
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Boa, the Serpents cyber genius, never thought waiting on line for a hot and juicy in Mickey D’s would turn his life upside down—Until Madeline—The knockout stripper from the Shangri-La who had a rap sheet longer than Boa’s.

Madeline knows the hard punches life dishes out. She’s packed up her and her boys more than once searching for a better life. When she hit Vegas she had high hopes until a vengeful enemy from her past pops up, sending her life straight to hell.

Boa wants to be her hero, but she resists his help, saying it’s for his own good. Only he doesn’t buy it. She’s in deep with the wrong people, and even her tough, screw-you-attitude can’t disguise the fear in her eyes.

Fate keeps throwing them together, and after a night of crazy, out-of-control sex Boa vows to break down her walls and find out what’s under all her sass.

To keep Boa safe, Madeline denies her true feelings, packs up her family, and runs again to hide the wicked secrets of her past, but when her children are put at risk, she reaches out to the only man she can trust. Boa.

Can Boa save Madeline and her kids, or will Madeline’s need for retribution put them all in danger?

Looked like fate made Boa’s decision for him. Who the hell was he bullshitting? He wasnt leaving her like this, and every vibe in the universe knew it. A few large steps put him on the other side of Madelines bedroom door.

Hey, Madeline,” he grunted through the door, then waited. Nothing. Cmon, open up.”

He could hear her breathing on the other side of the thin door. You do realize I could boot this flimsy piece of shit right off its hinges, right?” He rattled the door handle. Open up the damn door.”

The lock clicked, a latch released, and Madeline pulled back the door a few inches.

A dim light outlined her from behind. She wasnt beautiful in a model way. Madelines face had too much character, too much sass. Now knowing her background, her high, razor-sharp cheekbones probably came from her Creole heritage, along with the flawless, burnished tone of her skin. Her cat-shaped eyes were a true hazel, not green, not brown, but more like the darkest Mediterranean olive. She was sexy as hell and hard as steel—a deadly combination that made the badass in her stand out and the outlaw in him stand up and notice.
Boa pushed the door wider, and she stepped aside, not giving him enough room to enter, so he pressed his bulk against her. The heat from Madelines body radiated through her thin tank top, searing his bare chest.

Madeline narrowed her eyes and tried to give him her best screw you look, but it wasnt working. She just couldnt sell it. The tightness of her body, the way her perfect, pink tongue licked at her lips, she was as wrapped up in whatever this was as him.

He rested his palms on her hips and pulled her even closer. He wanted her to feel what her standing in front of him did to his body, how her breathing had his cock at attention. This woman was wearing down his last nerve.

Boa lowered his head to right above her ear. Get naked. I wanna see all of you.”

Youve seen all of me at the strip club. Plenty of times.”

Her words were meant to diminish the moment, take away the awe, but he wasnt buying it.

Aint gonna work, babe. Seeing you topless in that club means nothing to me. Having you here in my arms is what matters, and when I touch your soft, bare skin, itll be like the first time.”

Her breathing hitched, and he examined her face. For a second, he thought hed seen tears, but the moment passed, and her back stiffened.

You cant wave a magic wand and make everything right. Thats not how life works, and its sure not how my life works.”

Whether you wanna admit it or not, youre working for a psycho, but something tells me you already know that.”

She lowered her head against his chest, and her body relaxed. When she raised her head, her olive eyes warmed. The conflicts within Madeline were real, and he hoped he could make her see that life didnt have to be this damn hard.


The desire Boa stirred up in Madeline shouldve been illegal. Shed certainly gotten arrested for less. His deep rumble made her yearn for the impossible, his firm touch made her wish for the unattainable. It was criminal how he compelled her to be better. Nothing about the way Boa affected her was legit.

Madeline knew bad—hellish bad—and it wasnt Boa.

Boa was a good guy who did some shady things. Big difference. He lived by a code of ethics followed by all the Serpents. Sure, they used force, sometimes deadly force, to protect what was theirs, but they didnt exploit the weak or torture the defenseless.

What he’d said about seeing her for the first time hit Madeline hard. He turned it all around, and instead of making her feel cheap and worthless, he made her feel—good. And that was the scariest part.

She stepped back and slowly peeled her tank top over her head, then flung it to the floor.

His massive hands cupped the undersides of her breasts, gently weighing them in his palms. Boas smooth, gentle touch melted her. No grabbing, no squeezing, just a simple way of admiring her body. He tipped his head and brought her nipple to his mouth, using his tongue on the sensitive flesh before sucking it in between his lips. When he switched to the other breast, her knees weakened, and he wrapped his arm around her waist, instinctively knowing she needed him to steady her.

He tipped her head up with his forefinger. You deserve to be cherished.”

Where did this guy come up with this stuff, and how did he make it sound so good?

She hated involving him in her disaster of a life. She needed to be surrounded by orange cones with a big, flashing warning sign around her neck that said: Danger-High Voltage.

She rubbed her hand over the bulge in his sweats. As shed found out last night, that part equaled the rest of him, and right now, all she could think about was having him—spreading her, moving inside her until she didnt know her name.

About Barbara:

Amazon Bestselling Author Barbara Nolan loves her emotional, passionate alpha males and the women who tame them. Her writing is sexy, spicy and seductive, and her goal is to have fun while taking the reader away from their world and into hers.


She is proud of this second act in her life and loves meeting and getting to know her readers, fans, and all the wonderful people in the writing community. 

Her passion for reading and words make this a journey of love. 


She considers reading a luxury and writing a necessity.


Follow Barbara Everywhere!

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