Thursday, May 27, 2021

Wildfire Marketing Solutions Presents: The King by Taylor Danae Colbert; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review

Release Date: May 27
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.
#newrelease #readyourheartout #mafiaromance #shelfie #bookaholic #needtoreaditnow #readmoreromance #booknerdigan #wildfiremarketingsolutions

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Wildfire Marketing Solutions and the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

Dominic Castiano was my first love.
He should’ve been my last.

But to keep him safe—to keep him alive—I had to leave him behind.

Ten years later, the world we live in is even more dangerous, and it’s because he’s the one running it. He has taken over his father’s outfit, and now he’s got a target on his back. Coming from an enemy crew, I can’t be the reason more trouble finds him. 

But when our lips touch again, I forget everything else. When he brings me into his home to keep me safe, I feel myself forgetting all the reasons I left him in the first place.

When you run from your past, it always catches up with you. Ours is knocking, and if we’re not careful, we will end before we ever get started.

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My Thoughts:

Dominic is wanting what he thinks he can’t have.  Scarlett also wants something she doesn’t think she can’t have.  It’s at that point that this sounded like it was going to be an interesting read.

They both have complicated lives and that’s what caught my attention.  The author knows when to keep things sweet and when to turn things steamy – with a side of mystery and suspense.  Her scenes flow nicely from one to the next, albeit a little too quickly – wanted to savor them just a little longer.

I liked being able to go back to the past in order to see how it has affected their future.  We also have a secondary character that is important to what is going on.  If you haven’t yet, make sure to check out her story in The Rook – reading that first may be a good idea.  One idea that may seem similar in this story is how the children always seem to pay for the sins of their parent.  

In this case, without that we wouldn’t have the piece that connects our main characters.  And wondering how those sins get rectified is one thing that will carry you to the very end.  That and don’t you want to know if there’s a happy ending?  Or does our author have other ideas in store for her readers?  And until you get there you’ll never know.

Meet Taylor Danae Colbert:

Taylor has been writing since the tender age of seven, when her mother bought her her first typewriter. 

Once she finished her first work, a tall tale about a girl with hair that grew too fast, her father told her she should be published. And so, her lifelong dream of becoming a published writer was born. 
Taylor never thought of herself as a romance writer, but it turns out, she loves love. 

When she's not chasing her kids, watching Impractical Jokers with her husband, running, or playing around with her two pups, she's probably under her favorite blanket, either writing a book, or reading one. 

Taylor lives in Maryland, where she was born and raised. 

Connect with Taylor Danae Colbert:

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