Saturday, March 13, 2021

Wildfire Marketing Solutions Presents: Qualify by T.L. Mayhew; #TeaserBlast, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder


by TL Mayhew
coming March 18!
#needtoreaditnow #readmoreromance #booknerdigan #bookaholic #wildfiremarketingsolutions

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“We’re looking for someone with a little more experience.” 


It’s the same everywhere I turn. No one wants a woman in the pit. 

What they don’t understand is, I was practically born with a wrench in my hand. My five brothers all drivers, and my father a retired pit crew manager, taught me everything I know. 

Snagging a coveted spot on Kye—THE HOTTEST GUY IN RACING—Kingston’s crew will be the chance I need to show everyone what I’m capable of.



“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you need her.” 


There were more qualified applicants sure, but my manager was right Berkleigh Shaw just might be the motivation that Kingston Racing needs to win. 

She’s a spitfire covered in grease. And from the moment she stumbled into my arms the day we first met, I knew she’d be the added fuel to my flame. Both on and off the track.


When the finish line is in sight, LOVE is the only thing that will earn us the checkered flag.


TL Mayhew’s Qualify is an emotionally driven, sexy, contemporary romance written in K. Bromberg’s Driven World.


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