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Thursday, March 11, 2021

Grey's Promotions Presents: Vandal by Rachel Leigh; #TeaserBlast, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder

by Rachel Leigh
releasing March 25, 2021!
#redwoodrebels #rachelleigh #redwoodrebelsseries #DarkRomance #NewAdultRomance #RomanticSuspense #LGBTQA+ #Bully #Revenge #EnemiestoLovers


I have a secret. 
A deep and painful secret that has been feasting on my insides. 
Clawing at my heart and lacerating it in a slow and painful agony. 

If Wyatt thinks that he can just walk into my life and rattle things up,
he's got another thing coming.

He's nothing to me.
As good as dead.

You see, I have a secret, but so does he. 
It's my turn to get my revenge,
and I can already taste the sweetness on the tip of my tongue.
No questions asked.
My secret stays mine. 

His, however, is about to go up in flames.
I'll love nothing more than to watch him burn.

He better look out, 
because this vandal is about to paint his world blood red. 

Pre-order today on Amazon!

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