Thursday, March 11, 2021

Grey's Promotions Presents: Fated and Eres mi Destino by Susana Mohel; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review

Susana Mohel’s Fated is a smart, sexy romance written 

in K. Bromberg's Everyday Heroes World!

Rating:  4 stars
Told in the first person.
#NewRelease #Bookish #SusanaMohel #ContemporaryRomance #ReadNow #RomanticSuspense #AlphaHero #HeroineinDanger #SmallTown #KBWorlds #EverydayHeroes @KBWorlds #GreysPromo

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for review from Grey's Promotions and the authors. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising". 

Buckle up, there is so much trouble when 
a new Malone boy arrives at Sunnyville.

It all starts with an adventure.

I'm determined to live my life following my own rules until a sexy, sinful mechanic stands in my way. That thick beard, bright smile, and wide shoulders make my panties melt...

But I'm on a mission, to have fun and just push my boundaries. Cardan Malone is implacable and has his own plans.
In the sheets of his bed we find much more than a one-night screw, however, I won't let it wrench me from my own plans.

Love isn't in the stars for us.

Even though he's everything I'm looking for. I won't let that waver me from my decision. I will not fall for the hot mechanic, no matter how big his hammer is.

A full length contemporary small-town/age-gap romance. 

No cliffhangers, and no cheating.
One-click now!

Download today or read for FREE with

Kindle Unlimited!

Fated is also available in Spanish as Eres mi destino.


My Thoughts:

Elena has decided she needs to challenge herself.  She’s keeping something from the reader which makes it a real page-turner.  Even those around her aren’t spilling the beans but there are hints that appear every once in a while.  And it’s that secret that may have you thinking about yourself and how you take care of you.

I liked that the author made Elena the centerpiece of this story.  It comes out at an interesting time of year – Women’s History Month.  It’s not that she’s creating history as far as the scope of the world but by running a family business makes it worth the celebration of being a woman today. 

It’s a sweet romance with just a hint of spice.  The author leaves it up to the reader to fill in the blanks with whatever level you like your heat at.  Although I preferred it just the way it was.  One thing that surprised me was to find out that there was an age gap.  I certainly never saw or felt one.  There was no indication until we got a lot further into the book that I felt an age was mentioned.  So, I suppose it depends on what you picture in your mind.  

Cardan seems to be a very nice man who knows what he wants right away.  The author gives the reader enough information to know his history without letting it get in the way of the flow to her story.  Having just enough made it very easy to follow without getting lost in what was going on.  It will take a while, but you will see how he earns the title of “hero”.

The only two things that I had small issues with was wanting to hear more on Cardan’s thoughts as to what was going on between him and Elena.  And the other was that he has family members that I didn’t get to see enough of and it left me wanting to know if there’s a series out there.  I’ll have to get my investigative hat out and see if I can find anything.

Fated is written in New York Times Bestselling author K. Bromberg's Everyday Heroes World, which is one of two KB Worlds projects. With over 100 authors, who were selected by and are working with K. Bromberg, these stories will be fan fiction at its finest—and sexiest. Devoted fans of the Driven and Everyday Heroes series will have the opportunity to revisit their favorite characters and settings. You can find out more about K. Bromberg and the KB Worlds at

KB Worlds Amazon Page: 

KB Worlds Facebook Group: 

KB Worlds Newsletter:

¡Por primera vez en español, una historia del 

universo de Everyday Heroes de K. Bromberg!

Los problemas comienzan cuando Cardan Malone llega a Sunnyville,

prepárate… va a ser divertido.

Todo empezó con una aventura.

Estoy determinada a vivir bajo mis propias reglas cuando un mecánico buenote se me cruza en el camino. Esa barba, esos ojos, ese pecho musculoso derriban mis defensas…

Me he trazado una meta, divertirme y salirme de la rutina. Pero Cardan Malone es implacable

y tiene su propio plan.

Entre las sábanas de su cama encontramos más de lo que ambos estábamos buscando y eso me aterra, porque ciertamente enamorarnos no está en nuestro destino.

Él es todo lo que una chica puede querer, sin embargo, eso no me hará cambiar de opinión.

De ninguna manera me voy a enamorar de él, no importa qué tan potentes sean sus herramientas.

Una historia independiente y auto-conclusiva.

¡Léela ahora!

¡Cómpralo ahora o puedes leerlo gratis con

Kindle Unlimited!


#SusanaMohel #Romance #MeGustaLeer #LibrosRomanticos #EnEspañol #KBWorlds #EverydayHeroes #GreysPromo

Eres mi destino is written in New York Times Bestselling author K. Bromberg's Everyday Heroes World, which is one of two KB Worlds projects. With over 100 authors, who were selected by and are working with K. Bromberg, these stories will be fan fiction at its finest—and sexiest. Devoted fans of the Driven and Everyday Heroes series will have the opportunity to revisit their favorite characters and settings. You can find out more about K. Bromberg and the KB Worlds at

KB Worlds Amazon Page: 

KB Worlds Facebook Group: 

KB Worlds Newsletter:

Meet Susana:

Author, wife, and mother of a girl and a puppy. I love the happily ever after. Believer & dreamer. I live in my own world, sipping Ginger Ale and lime. I'm always plotting my next book, coloring pages and reading.


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