Monday, March 22, 2021

Give Me Books Presents: Screwed by Eva Lenoir; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review

Title: Screwed
A Driven World Novel
Author: Eva LeNoir
Publisher: KB Worlds
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: March 18, 2021
#KBWorlds #DrivenWorld
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for review from Give Me Books Promotions and the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


My plan was simple. Flawless.
Pack light, drive cross-country to California, and settle into my brand new job.
No distractions, no detours. No problems.
But then she waltzed into my life with her jingling bracelets and wild clover perfume turning my simple into complicated in the blink of an eye.
She was unpredictable. A distraction.
She was the detour I had no time to take.
The problem I had no business solving.
Despite all my efforts, she managed to get under my skin, and into my heart.
All it took was one flash of her sunshine smile for me to know that I was completely and utterly screwed.



Free in Kindle Unlimited

My Thoughts:

Dylan’s life is changing.  You will need to read the full story in order to get a true picture on how that was accomplished.  Just a small side note, I love his mode of transportation.  Lily may be as quirky as they come.  She’s one that cannot be contained.  Free spirited are the words that come to mind upon meeting her.  When these two meet, Lily is in the process of looking for a grand adventure.  

I loved their banter.  There was plenty of innuendo and laughs to keep the reader entertained.  If you like lots of heat in your read then this author has got that covered.  At times, Lily feels like she might be from a different decade.  She’s trying to push herself into Dylan’s world and get him out of his comfort zone.  

If you like romances where you wonder how the two are ever going to be of the same mindset to even think about starting a relationship, then this will fit the bill.  The author has a very easy-going style that you can’t help but relax and get lost while she takes us on a road trip.  But once we come to the end of the journey, I just wanted it to keep on going.


“Hi, I’m Lily.”
I looked down at her outstretched arm with bangles galore, a hand poised for a shake, delicate fingers with carefully manicured nails that lacked any polish, and decided I had two options.
One, I could tell her to get her guitar and mosey on back to her side of the diner, eat my burger in peace, and get the hell out of there.
Or, I could grow some balls and try to be cordial. After all, it would take fifteen minutes, tops, to finish my meal, smile, and then get the fuck out of the diner.
What could possibly happen in so little time?
Worst case scenario we didn’t agree on music or college sports.
No harm.
“Oh, I like that name. It’s strong and poetic,” her smile reached up all the way to her bright blue eyes, making them shine with interest.
If she thought that was poetic, it was best not to give her my last name. For a fraction of a second, I wondered if knowing my full name would earn me a blow job right under this sixty-year-old table, the hard linoleum floors biting into her knees.
Fuck my life, just imagining that scene was getting something else hard now too.
“Wouldn’t know about that.”
“What are you doing here? Travelling?” She was rummaging in her gigantic purse that could house a small army as she asked that question, almost bored with the conversation already.
Taking out a book that looked a lot like a journal, I could see the stress leave her features as she placed it on the table and let out a small breath of relief.
Patting the journal twice, and checking that her pen was in its place, she then dropped her mom bag on the seat next to her and gave me the full force of her attention.
Jesus, she was fucking gorgeous.
Then she stared and waited.
What the hell was she waiting for?
Tilting her head to the side, she looked at me expectantly and that’s when it dawned on me. Right. She had asked me a question.
“Just passing through.”
Wasn’t I a bundle of joy? No wonder my dates always ended early with no call backs. I was terrible at meaningless conversations.
I figured she’d get the hint eventually and go back to her original seat.
“I just ran away from home.”
I blinked at that little reveal. A bit stunned, to be honest.
There went my fifteen-minute plan.
This sounded more like a job for a super shrink, not some North Carolina mechanic needing to get his ass on the road and driving to his dream job.
She ran away from home? Was she tied up and kept in a basement?
“How old are you?” the words flew out of my mouth with a mixture of shock and sincere curiosity.
“I’m twenty-four. But, you need the whole story to understand.” She settled in her seat, crossing her arms in front of her on the table and lowering her voice like we were talking about covert foreign affairs. I didn’t mean to look at her cleavage, but the way she sat offered the perfect crease in her vee-neck summer dress. Ah, fuck. I was pretty sure little miss hippie wasn’t wearing a bra, causing my gaze to stutter at the expanse of tanned skin.
And that was the exact moment I should have stopped her in her tracks and walked the hell away. Right there. That precise second when she leaned in, her fields of clover scent wrapping around my head, and her perfect tits calling out my name. Had I walked away, I could have spared myself the next, ridiculous words.
“What’s the whole story?”
Jesus, take the wheel.


Eva LeNoir lives in France with her husband, two sons and the entire food chain in pets: From gerbils to cats and a dog. With a full-time job that pays the bills, she reserves all of her free time to doing what she loves most: Writing.

Eva likes teasing her husband that she should have married a billionaire so she could stay home and write all day. But then he makes her laugh at his silly antics and all dreams of lavish lifestyles evaporate from her mind. A softie at heart, Eva can be seen crying whenever anything emotional is on TV or the radio. Yes, even commercials. So, if ever you meet her, make sure to bring a box of tissues and a good episode of Grey's Anatomy to witness the epic tear fest.

There are three things she believes unconditionally: Love really does conquer all, Humans are still inherently good and Wine and Cheese will solve all the problems of the world.



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