Thursday, February 18, 2021

Wildfire Marketing Solutions: Smoke and Mirrors by Michelle B.; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live

Release Date: February 16
Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.
#mafiaromance #romanticsuspense #needtoreaditnow #booknerdigan #bookoholic #wildfiremarketingsolutions #readmoreromance

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Wildfire Marketing Solutions and the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


One night is all it took.
One night changed all of my plans.
One night laid a road map out for the rest of my life.
My heart now belongs to him- Antonio Robert Heart, the underboss of the Heart Syndicate that governs over New York and its five boroughs. He rules with an unwavering hand yielding the blade of his knife, but when his strong hands touch me, I become liquid. I melt into his all-consuming prowess.
The thing is, he doesn't want me... even though he craves me.


I don’t date. I don’t love. I don’t want marriage and I do not want children. I only allow myself companionship when the desire is there.
Lilah Tomlinson was supposed to be one night-one hour at the most.
I was a fool.
My desire for her prevailed and I let her in... only to find out she has betrayed me. That muscle in my chest, the one she has penetrated and brought to life, it shrivels with the worst kind of anger: WRATH.

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My Thoughts:

Antonio is someone who believes the world revolves around him.  He’s a man to be taken seriously.  His rules are to be obeyed or else.  Lilah seems to live in a bubble.  She’s unaware of what actually goes on around her.  Or does she just have people fooled – us included.

Our author creates an interesting mystery on top of letting us see Antonio do business.  She keeps some information about her characters close to the vest.  She will not show her many hands until she’s good and ready.  Some of what she reveals is funny.  Some of what she reveals is twisted.  Some is direct and to the point.  But it all keeps you on the edge of your seat right until the very last second.

The way she tells her story is like a scenic train trip.  It starts off slow and builds up steam as it goes along.  Every once in a while, we stop so we can see what she wants to show us and then we continue on our way.  The story builds upon the scene that came before until we come to the last stop and are sad that the trip is over.  But she gives her readers a few surprises before it is actually over.  Since this is a part of a series, I have to wonder what type of trip she’s going to send us on next.  Now I just need to know when my train ticket will be ready.

Meet Michelle B:

Michelle B. was born and raised in New Jersey, where she lives with her husband and fury co-writing buddy, Mr. Bojangles. 

After secretly writing two of the five books in the Heart series, she decided it was time to hit the publish button. She has turned her love for reading hot, steamy books into writing them. 

Her way of writing angsty, suspenseful romance draws you in and makes you feel like you live inside the pages alongside the characters. 

She is unapologetically addicted to Starbucks and loves going to the movies with her husband of thirty years.

Connect with Michelle B:

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