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Monday, February 15, 2021

Wildfire Marketing Solutions Presents: Hotshot by Jenna Hartley; #TeaserBlast, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder



by Jenna Hartley  

coming February 25!

#needtoreaditnow #booknerdigan #readmoreromance #bookaholic #enemiestolovers #wildfiremarketingsolutions

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Jenna Hartley's, Hotshot, is an enemies-to-lovers romance about finding yourself, written in K. Bromberg’s Everyday Heroes World.


I’m lying.


To my friends.

To Ethan.

And worst of all, to myself.


But he makes me question everything I wanted, everything I thought I knew. From the corner office I’ve long coveted to my relationship with my recently deceased father.


Now I’m at a crossroads. My head knows my future is back in Boston, but my heart is telling me otherwise.


Free in KU


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