Monday, February 22, 2021

Wildfire Marketing Solutions Presents: Finding Me by Lyssa Cole; #TeaserBlast, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder




book 4 in the You & Me Series 

by Lyssa Cole  

coming February 25! 

#needtoreaditnow #readmoreromance #youandmeseries #booknerdigan #bookaholic #wildfiremarketingsolutions

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Love is...complicated.
Full of hurt and empty promises.
He was the last person I thought I’d develop feelings for. 
But during those long nights caring for our friends, things happened.
Things changed.
Neither of us knew what to do. 
So we stayed friends. Ignored the feelings. Pretended we were the same.
But you can only pretend for so long.
Until love’s strong grasp pulls you down.
The further I fell, the further I ran.
Too bad I can’t run forever.
Even if I could, he’d never stop chasing me.
He needs me like I need him.
Two broken souls finally mending each other.
But my broken soul? What if it isn’t meant to be whole?


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Read the first 3 books in the You & Me series here:

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