Saturday, February 27, 2021

InkSlinger PR Presents: Savaged Illusions by Jennifer Lyon; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live

Today we have the blog tour of Jennifer Lyon’s Savaged Illusions: The Complete Series! Check out this gorgeous romance series and be sure to get your copy today!

Title: Savaged Illusions: The Complete Series 
Author: Jennifer Lyon 
Genre: Contemporary Romance

About Savaged Illusions: The Complete Series:

Justice Cade is leading his rock band to superstardom, but when he falls in love with Liza Cade, will her secrets destroy them all?


Ambitious and sexy lead singer Justice Cade has one goal—to take his band, Savaged Illusions, to international rock star fame. But when the fiery college-intern Liza Glasner captures his heart, he soon learns she has a dark secret that compels her to avoid the limelight. The revelation of Liza’s true identity forces Justice to choose between the woman he loves and the stardom he craves. The wrong choice could be deadly. 


Dating a rock star nearly got Liza killed. Now that the world knows her true identity, danger stalks her relentlessly. But she loves Justice too much to leave him. A surprise pregnancy leads to a secret marriage and festering doubts. Justice struggles to balance the wife he loves, impending fatherhood, and the battle to take his band to stardom. As he reaches the very pinnacle of success, secrets and betrayals explode in a heartbreaking twist that threatens to rip Justice and Liza apart forever. 


Losing Liza taught Justice that love is more important than fame. He risks everything to win her back, and he’ll stop at nothing to keep her safe. Justice’s fierce devotion helps Liza recover from a devastating loss and grow strong enough to stop hiding in the shadows. Together, Justice and Liza burst onto the world stage to face down the man who tormented her for a decade. Will their love triumph or will Liza’s old enemy tear them apart in the most permanent way possible—death?   

Get Your Copy!

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Liza took in the lush Douglas fir draped in white lights and colorful ornaments. “It’s missing something. Wait.” She opened the coat closet and took out a box while repressing her grin. Carrying it back, she announced, “We need a top for the tree.” With great flourish, she pulled it out, proudly holding it up.

Justice’s expression contorted somewhere between laughter and horror. “What the hell is that?”

“It’s a Christmas Chicken. Obviously.”

“Baby, there is nothing obvious about that.” He swiped it from her hand, holding it up. “Where did you get this?”

Liza had to admit, it was…different. It was formed from metal into the shape of a chicken and stood about five inches high. It had a jaunty red Santa hat on, and once it was plugged in, all the feathers lit up in green and red lights. “Online shopping.”

“No way are we putting this on the tree. This thing is an insult to Christmas.”

Liza stared at him in mock outrage, not willing to admit it had been one of her rare impulse buys. Chickens always made her think of Justice and his closeness with his grandmother. The woman had died before Liza met her, and yet, through Justice and this house, she felt a real connection to her. Or maybe it was just that she wished she had the kind of relationship with her grandmother that Justice had had with his. Of course she could tell him that, but it was more fun to tease him. “You haven’t heard the story of the Christmas Chicken?”

“No such thing.” Justice pinned her with his stare. “You’re making that up.”

“I am not.” Busying herself with repacking the unused decorations, she tried to think fast. “Come on, you have to have heard this. The one about…” Think! “…a chicken named Henrietta who heard the boys talking. She was going to be Christmas dinner. The chicken runs away and goes on a series of adventures.” Wow she was ripping off almost every children’s Christmas tale she’d ever read.

“Is that right? A chicken all by herself?”

She didn’t dare look at him or she’d bust up laughing. “Well, not by herself. She finds friends. You know, um…she rescues a deer after discovering him with his hoof caught in a fence.”

“Is that right?” Silky derision flowed in his tone. “Let me guess, a reindeer?”

“Sure.” Getting into her story now, Beth carefully closed the box lid. “Only the chicken hasn’t seen deer before, so he doesn’t know that this is a very special deer—”

“I call bullshit.”

She spun around, feigning outrage. “Are you doubting my Christmas Chicken?”

“I think you’re lying through your pretty teeth.” He advanced on her.

Liza backed up. “Nope. Totally the truth. I can’t believe you’d accuse me of lying.”

“I’m accusing, sweetheart. And I’m going to prove it with a little truth test.”

About Jennifer Lyon:

Jennifer Lyon is the pseudonym for USA Today Bestselling Author Jennifer Apodaca. Jen has published more than twenty books and novellas, won numerous awards and had her books translated into multiple languages. Jen lives in Southern California with her husband. Together, they raised three amazing sons, welcomed three lovely daughters-in-law and an adorable grandson. Jen loves reading, vacations at the beach or wine tasting, and making friends with any dog she sees. But her passion is writing about characters who must surmount impossible odds and make tough choices to prove themselves worthy of love. In the evening, her husband lures her away from the computer with a glass of wine and the company of the man who is her happily ever after.  


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1 comment:

  1. The series sounds really good and the covers are great too.


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