Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Candi Kane PR Presents: Bad Bad Boy by Angel Devlin; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review


Rats of Richstone #1

by Angel Devlin

Release Date: February 18th

Rating: 4 Stars

Told in the first person. Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for review from Candi Kane PR and the authors. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising". 


He’s the bad boy from the wrong side of the river. She’s the rich girl who wants for nothing.

They call them the rats.

The people from the poor side of Richstone river. Privilege lies just a short walk away and Liam Lawson wants it. When the head of Richstone Academy offers four places to the students of Sharrow Manor, he hatches a plan to ensure he and his friends get the opportunity to change their lives for the better… forever. Via a pact of blackmail and corruption of the girls of Richstone.

They call them the riches.

The people from the wealthy side of Richstone river. A life of excess and expectation, but Phoebe Ridley doesn’t want it. When her mother starts a social experiment at Richstone Academy, Phoebe is intrigued to meet the rats, to see how they’ll cope among the elite. She and her friends make up their own experiment. Via a pact of claiming a rat and getting them to do their bidding.

But as the two sides of the river collide and the games begin, the stakes get higher and their moves darker and deadlier... And not everyone will make it out alive.

Warning: This book ends on a huge cliffhanger, to be answered in Bad Bad Girl, Book Two.


FREE in Kindle Unlimited! 

My Thoughts:

Liam does what he has to in order to get by.  He makes an outrageous suggestion to his buddies.  Phoebe has family pressures that are weighing her down.  It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, bullies are going to be there.

Even though this is a work of fiction, the author has a secondary character have an idea and I could see that playing out in the real world.  Her story seems to be a cross between Oliver Twist and Mean Girls.  It was like getting into the minds of those who you weren’t cool enough to associate with.  And it shows to what lengths some people will go to in order to get out of their current situation.  

For the most part, it was watching these young adults work their way through the school year.  Including all the plotting, snide remarks, and not knowing what kind of trouble they may get themselves into.  Any thoughts of romance were secondary.  It was like reading a year in the life.  But then you realize that year isn’t over yet and now you have to wait for the next chapter to begin - or in this case, the next book.

BAD BAD GIRL Releases April 15th!!

Preorder Today: 

About the Author:

Angel Devlin likes to write about bad boys and billionaires. She lives in Sheffield in the UK with her partner, son, and furbaby.

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