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Friday, January 1, 2021

Wildfire Marketing Solutions Presents: New Year's Renovations by Kara Kendrick; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live

 Release Date: January 1
#newrelease #manofthemonthclub #readmoreromance #needtoreaditnow #bookaholic #readmoreromance #booknerdigan #wildfiremarketingsolutions


My year is off to a terrible start. Fired from my job and dumped by my boss-boyfriend at the same time (lesson learned the hard way, don’t even start), I’m forced to adopt the ‘New Year, New You’ mantra whether I want to or not. The only silver lining is a rundown old house my estranged aunt left to me in Starlight Bay, Massachusetts.

That is, until I run head-on—literally—into Jackson Montgomery, local hometown superstar and the best contractor in town. He offers to help with renovations so I can rent it as a side hustle once I find a job and move back to Boston. Unfortunately, he does not offer to date me, which is a crying shame because he’s exactly what I didn’t know I was looking for.


I’ve never made a New Year’s resolution until this year. Why? Because I think they’re stupid and 99.9% of people break them within six weeks. But after my girlfriend cheated on me with my (ex-) best friend, I knew I had to do it. Give up dating for at least a year, but maybe the rest of adulthood.

What I hadn’t counted on was meeting Harper, a perky city girl just begging to be kissed. Fixing up her late aunt’s house was proving to be a bigger job than I could handle in the feelings department and I didn’t like it one little bit. I just needed to get her fixer-upper fixed so she could get out of Starlight Bay before something happened I couldn’t repair with a hammer and some nails.

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Meet Kara Kendrick:

Kara Kendrick writes fun and flirty Contemporary Romance destined to give you all the feels. A reformed English major, she also has a master’s in counseling and was an elementary school counselor in her pre-mom life.
She loves the beach, wine, and rock hard abs, not necessarily in that order. 

When she’s not dreaming up Happily Ever After’s, you can find her chasing after her boy-girl twins, working out semi-hardish, or walking her adorable Shiba pup with her husband, who’s not too bad himself.

Connect with Kara Kendrick:

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