Thursday, October 29, 2020

Grey's Promotions Presents: Carlos by M. Tasia; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live

by M. Tasia  
now live!
#TheGates #MTasia #ContemporaryRomance #LGBTQA+ #FishOutOfWater #FirstResponder #LawEnforcement #Protector #GreysPromo #ReadNow

After being in self-exile for years, famous artist Carlos Fernandez emerges to a new life and a new love.


Seven feet tall, Carlos Fernandez is a famous artist who's been in self-imposed exile. His size, and the scar around his neck from a garrote attempt, has him looking so scary people stare, make rude remarks, or challenge him to fights.

He decides to move to LA to live near his brother at whose wedding he meets Clay Everett, an LAPD officer with hyper-protective instincts.

What starts as a shaky friendship turns into something more. Carlos works at coming out of his shell and Clay is surprised to learn he has the capacity to love deeply.

Download your copy today!

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Meet M.Tasia:

M. Tasia is a paralegal and romance author who lives in Ontario, Canada. She is a proud member of the Rainbow Romance Writers and the Toronto Romance Writers. She is a dedicated people watcher who often uses what she sees around her in the creation of her characters. She likes to read romance as much as write it and is a firm believer that love is meant to be celebrated and shared. She is the author of the Boys of Brighton series and The Gates series.

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