Thursday, September 24, 2020

KB Worlds Presents: Trust by Mignon Mykell; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review

Trust is a slow-burn, emotionally charged contemporary romance written in K. Bromberg’s Everyday Heroes World


Rating:  5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.
#Trust #MignonMykel #KBWorlds #EverydayHeroes #NewRelease

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for review from KB Worlds and the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising". 

Trust. Verb. To rely upon someone or something.

Six weeks ago, Crew Dawson lost the partner who he knew without a doubt would always have his back. Losing K9 Ammo was the hardest day of his police career, and finding a new K9 partner isn’t working out too well for him. He’s ready to give up his role in the K9 unit when Sunnyville Police Department teams up with a high-risk dog shelter. Instead of finding a K9 that the department is looking for, though, he chooses rescues that unlikeliest of dogs.

Trust. Verb. To have confidence; hope.

The last fifteen years haven’t been too kind to Shawn Ypma. A teenaged mother, she fought hard to land on her own two feet. While she had the support of her parents, she stopped believing in love and happily ever after. Why should she trust a man when they’ve all failed her time and again? Her first and only priority right now is getting her daughter Austin through school, and hope Austin doesn’t make the same mistakes she did.

When Career Day comes to Sunnyville High, Shawn doesn’t know how to take the smiles and kind words from the new School Resource Officer. Little does she know, he and that massive dog of his are about to teach her a lesson in trust...

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My Thoughts:

This book finds itself in a world that another has created.  That’s what makes this the perfect title.  It’s one author trusting another as she lets, in this case Mignon Mykel, into her world.  It was a great choice since the reader is the one that reaps the reward. 


Crew gets a gentle kick in the pants.  He shows me early on that this is going to be a cuddle story.  Shawn has a lot to deal with and then it’s going to get very real. 


I have to tell you that it sent shivers down my spine and tears in the corner of my eyes – if that makes me a sap then so be it.  Our author is going to cover a subject that’s been in the news too often.  She handles the subject in an informative and loving way.  Yes this is a work of fiction but the storyline is a real issue and it will be very hard for your heart not to feel something. 


I know the author didn’t try and take the focal point off the main characters but her secondary character didn’t give her much choice.  It was someone with a small voice that spoke volumes to me.  That’s not to say that I didn’t enjoy their story but other things grabbed my attention as well.  But in this case that’s a good thing because I had to turn the page to see how she was going to meld these two stories together.  Her scenes move seamlessly and don’t appear to drag anything out.  Even though she deals with a sensitive subject, it wasn’t something that made me feel uncomfortable or that I didn’t want to keep reading.  But the ending left me holding my breath because I don’t think the author is done with us yet. 

Author Bio:

Mignon Mykel, author of reader-favorite Prescott Family, loves books, dreaming, and espresso. When not writing, you can find her reading, hiking, or hanging out with the boys she nannies!

Her books have been likened to "real life" and much like real life, sometimes the biggest hurdle in a relationship is one's self. She loves to read books in large worlds, where many books down the road, you get a glimpse at a former favorite couple. It is because of that, that every Mignon Mykel title you read, is connected to any other title in some shape or form. However, everything--with the exception of the Playmaker Duet--is a complete standalone.

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