Sunday, August 23, 2020

Love 2 Read Romance Presents: Shift by J.S. Wood; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review


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by J.S. Wood
The Driven World
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.
#greatread #Shift #ADrivenNovel #KBWorlds #greatauthor #jswood #greatseries #hothothot #releaseday #ithasarrived #kindleunlimited #love2readromance #indietoolbox #alwaysreading #bookish #booklove

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Love 2 Read Romance and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising". 


J.S. Wood’s Shift is a humorous, swoon-worthy, contemporary romance written in K. Bromberg’s Driven Worlds project.

Wyatt Price is my boss.

As one of the top sports agents in the industry, he’s arrogant, egotistical, and stubborn.

My favorite pastime is to see just how far I can push him with my quick wit and sarcastic attitude before he breaks.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a damn fine employee. However, pushing him gives me just enough delight to not set the whole place on fire and run screaming.

Cameron Hayes is my assistant.

My ridiculous, sarcastic, pain in my side assistant.

If she wasn't so good at her job, I would've fired her years ago... then I would have taken her home and shown her how much I actually liked it. And her.

But... I can't cross that line. Crossing it could mean losing her. And I'd rather suffer in silence then see her walk away.

Amazon - FREE in Kindle Unlimited:

My Thoughts:

Author K. Bromberg has written a note to the reader – please make sure to read it.   

Cameron has the need for speed.  I’m a little jealous of that part of her life.  Wyatt does not have me feeling sorry for him – playing world’s smallest violin.  He’s one of those guys I would stay clear of or turn and walk away.   

I felt like this would be a book to get lost in and that was due to the way the author gave life to Cameron.  You want to be her friend, give her advice, and be there for her when she needs an ear.  Then we come to Wyatt.  I had the difficult task of trying to like him.  The author made that part very difficult.  But luckily this is a work of fiction so it’s ok to hate a character.  It’s ok to want someone better for Cameron.  For a while I thought it would be one of the author’s secondary characters. 

Slowly, the author turns my thinking around as I finally saw past the office setting.  At one point I thought he felt insecure and that was due to his family dynamic.  He just needed the right person to show him the way to be better than his upbringing.  That’s the point that the author made the book a page-turner for me.   

There’s no way that I could even thinking of putting this book down.  We also get to see into Cameron’s personal life and that may tug at your heart.  It hit me in my heart for personal reasons.  That is one way that the author shows how good she is at her job.  She also knows that she can’t turn the story to making that part more important because then her main characters might get lost.  You’ll see it turn sweet which will pull you into the right direction. 

It was nice to see a young woman grow in a business that is usually mostly run by men.  We see a man willing to change and let a woman find her way and be by her side as she navigates her new world. The only way to know if Wyatt redeems himself is to read the book until the very end.  There’s romance within this story but at one point it may be hard to see.  There is a happy ending and that shines brightly. 

More Driven books are coming your way every month. Stay up to date on all the releases here:


J.S. Wood has been writing short stories since her teens, her love of romance novels inspired her to write her own. Her stories are cute and humorous with usually someone who will fall, burn, or injure themselves in a slapstick funny kind of way. If you like rom-com, you'll love her books.

Check out J.S. Wood on Amazon for more information: 

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