Tuesday, July 14, 2020

IndieSage PR Presents: The Player's Game by Alice Gaines; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Giveaway

by Alice Gaines
A Players’ Pact Novel
Publication Date: July 13, 2020
Genres: Adult, Entangled: Indulgence, Contemporary, Romance, Second Chance, Reunited Lovers
#NewRelease #ThePlayersGame #EntangledPublishing #EntangledIndulgence #ContemporaryRomance #SecondChance #ThePlayersPactSeries #AliceGaines


I’ve got to admit, life is sweet these days. As a starting NFL quarterback, I do okay, and I haven’t been lacking for female companionship. But I’d give it all up in a heartbeat if I could get back the woman I loved and lost—my ex-wife, Katy.
Now I’m at a wedding, watching one of my best friends tie the knot. I’m happy for him—really. I just wish things had turned out better when I’d taken that walk down the aisle. Still, those days are over.
I’m on my way up to my room when I run into my ex in the elevator. It’s like karma. Has to be. Only she’s with some random guy, who’s getting a little too handsy for my liking. I can’t help myself—I have to say something. Something that ruins her night…and mine, too.
Now, I’m sitting alone in my hotel room, when suddenly, Katy’s at my door, complaining that I ruined her 30th birthday. Her solution—that I give her the night of sexual adventure I’d derailed in the elevator.
I never was very good at saying no to her…


Now, Katy just had to find the patients and Grant. It would be easiest to run through the place calling Grant’s name until he answered, but that would surely bring security down on her fast. So, she kept a dignified pace as she went around a corner. Here she found the walls on either side lined with little rooms separated from the main work area by curtains. Behind each curtain no doubt lay a patient.

Several people worked at the central station. Techs and nurses, no doubt. As Katy went along, she stopped at each curtain. “Grant?” “Grant?” “Grant?”

The staff eyed her, one nurse in particular, but Katy kept a dignified smile on her face as she went, holding her clipboard in front of her to make her look official. Maybe. “Grant?” “Grant?” “Grant?” Still nothing.

She paused. He had to be here. Just had to be. The transport had had plenty of time to get to the hospital from the stadium. No matter how fast her cabbie had driven, it would have taken them longer from the city. She kept going. She probably only had seconds before security descended on her. They might kick her out, or they might arrest her. The latter would not go over well at the office. Even Charlie would have a hard time defending that sort of behavior. But she had to find her husband. He was hurt. He needed her.

Finally, she reached the end of the room. If Grant wasn’t here, she’d gone to the wrong place somehow. “Grant? “Grant?”

Damn it, Grant. You have to be here. Please answer. Please!

“Katy?” His voice was soft but clear. Grant. Glory hallelujah!

She dashed behind the curtain. “Thank heaven I found you.”

His eyes were closed as though he was unconscious. But then, he’d just called her name loudly enough for her to hear it. She went to him and bent to listen for his breathing as though she’d feared he’d died. Silly. Of course, he hadn’t. She’d seen him do a thumbs-up from the stretcher. She’d been so scared, only now she realized how much. Grant—her lover and her friend—had been hurt. Badly.

She very, very carefully brushed his hair off his forehead and planted a kiss there.

He opened his eyes, although they didn’t focus. “Katy. It was you I heard.”

“It was.” The big, strong man who’d dedicated himself to protecting and providing for everyone he loved seemed so helpless right now. Tears clogged her throat, and her chin threatened to wobble. Because she couldn’t do much of anything else, she stroked the side of his face. “I was so worried about you.”

“Sweet.” The word came out slurred.

“Are you all right?”

“Never better.” He grinned. “They have some amazing drugs here.”

He was doped up. Otherwise, he’d be suffering right now. That explained the drowsiness. She could stop worrying about cognitive deficits.

“You’re not…” How was she going to say the word…paralyzed? If he was, she’d take care of him. He’d move back into the condo, and she’d hire people to help when she had to work. She’d make sure he had whatever he needed.

“Can you move everything?” she asked.

“Huh?” he said. “Oh, yeah. Wiggled all my fingers and toes for the doctor.”

“You’ll be all right then,” she said.

“My knee’s all busted to hell,” he said. “Must-a been some hit. I wanna see the replay.”

“Well, I don’t. I was scared witless.”

“Nothing scares my Katy.”

Normally true, or at least she tried to act as if nothing frightened her, but from the moment she’d heard the fear in Beth’s voice, her heart had beaten triple-time. She could have lost him. One moment, he could have been in her life and the next gone. Because he’d never truly left her, not deep down where real emotions lived. How stupid she’d been never to see this before.


Alice Gaines lives in the San Francisco Bay Area in a fixer-upper house she never fixed up. Aside from writing and reading hot, hot romance, she loves cooking, knitting and crocheting, and her church. She has a pet corn snake named Casper. She’s insanely passionate about the funky soul band, Tower of Power.

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