Thursday, July 23, 2020

Grey's Promotions Presents: Crush by Kelsie Rae; #TeaserBlast, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder

by Kelsie Rae  
releasing August 13, 2020!

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I signed up to be a surrogate because the dating pool is that shallow. Besides, my uterus might as well get used before it starts to grow cobwebs, right? Go figure that fate would screw with me as soon as I check in at my first doctor's appointment.

It's official. I've hit a new rock bottom.

Now I'm stuck drooling over my obstetrician, Dr. Benjamin Bennett. The wounded widower knows how to play my heartstrings like a seasoned violinist.

I thought I'd be stuck lusting from afar, but it seems luck is on my side when I find him on a dating app.

Dr. Bennett is looking for a friend with benefits, and I'm more than ready to jump his bones.

What I don't expect however, is the man beneath the good looks. The longer I'm around him, the more I start to wonder if he'd ever be interested in pursuing something real, or if I'd always be lost in his wife's shadow.

Pre-order your copy today!

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