Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Wildfire Marketing Solutions Presents: Mrs. Who?! by D. Kelly; #CoverReveal, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder, #Giveaway

πŸ’πŸ‘° COVER REVEAL πŸ’πŸ‘°

Check out the AMAZING cover for Mrs. Who?! by D. Kelly. Get ready for a heartwarming and fun surprise Vegas wedding that is the perfect summer read #ComingJuly21st

Cover Designed by Qamber Designs & Media
Illustrated by Katie Archambault of Qamber Kids


Everly -

If my life were a reality TV show, it’d be called Murphy’s Law. Tripping over my feet and sticking my foot in my mouth are art forms I’ve perfected. Relationships? I should win an award for picking cheaters. Every. Single. Time. Ever get drunk in Vegas and marry a stranger only to get knocked up the same night? I’m a walking, talking clichΓ©. After asking for a divorce, I fled and ignored my husband for months. Not my finest moment but now that he’s here, I can’t help but want more. Until he drops a bomb of his own.

Eddie -

A fun night in Vegas before going on location to shoot my next film – what could go wrong? When I met a charming damsel in distress who had no clue I was famous, I felt like I won the lottery. Everly is beautiful, relatable, and funny – albeit a bit clumsy. We had a good time, drank, and then got hitched. I remember it all, but I’m not sure she remembers anything. She’s avoided me for months but that stops now. Not even a baby will change my mind. Everly is my wife, and I’m determined to win her heart.

πŸ’• Preorder Mrs. Who?! Today! πŸ’•

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The author is giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card on her Facebook page. Stop by to enter!

D. Kelly, author of The Acceptance Series, The Illusion Series, and standalone companion novels Chasing Cassidy and Sharing Rylee, was born and raised in Southern California. She’s a wife, mom, dog lover, taxi, problem fixer, and extreme multi-tasker. She married her high school sweetheart and is her kids’ biggest fan.
Kelly has been writing since she was young and took joy in spinning stories to her childhood friends. Margaritas and sarcasm make her smile, she loves the beach but hates the sand, and she believes Starbucks makes any day better.
A contemporary romance writer, D. Kelly’s stories revolve around friendship and the bond it creates, strengthening the love of the people who share it. For all things D. Kelly, you can visit her website:


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