Friday, June 26, 2020

#ReleaseBlitz: Boss In The Bedsheets by Kate Canterbary; #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review

Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Story Lovers Society and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


Mr. Santillian,

Despite the fact I'm currently living out of your guest room and sleeping with you most nights, I am writing to announce my resignation effective two weeks from today.
In other words, I'll locate someone who is both obscenely overqualified and willing to devote their days to the handful of tasks you are able to wrench from your perfectionist, micromanaging grip. It may be difficult to find a Nobel laureate genius looking for basic filing work on such short notice, but I'll do my best.
Don't worry about your sister's wedding this weekend. I still plan to attend as your date, assuming you've finished hating me by then.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Ms. Besh,
Resignation not accepted.
I'll see you at home.

BOSS IN THE BEDSHEETS is a full-length steamy contemporary romance standalone.


If you read from Barnes & Noble, Kobo, or Apple Books, please be sure to preorder and download your copy. This title won't be available there after release day!

Add it to your TBR on Goodreads:

My Thoughts:

Ash Santillian is not a man I would want to work for.  He has too much going on in his life that it would probably leave my head spinning.  Zelda Besh has an attitude that would put most people in their place without realizing it.  She’s not someone who will let anyone make her feel small.  Ash may be a man that doesn’t like having his buttons pushed but Zelda is a woman who likes pushing.

This author has created an interesting pair.  There’s some innuendo and teasing going on.  That in turn teases the reader.  Which then keeps us reading to see where all of this is going to take us.  Besides having some hot and sexy scenes, our author includes some comic relief - not hard to picture them either.  Our author paints quite the picture.  Add in some secondary characters and expect to outright belly laugh. 

What I liked about having this story told in the first person is that we get Zelda’s impressions about Ash as well as what’s going on in her head.  With Ash, we get to see him try to overcome some challenges and his perspective on how Zelda seems to find a crack in his armor.  They both have struggles to overcome and it was interesting to see how the author has them finagle their way through any changes that came their way.

Our author does a great job showing the characters emotions with just the use of words.  You’ll feel the laughter, the caring, and even the frustration they project.  There’s the other side as well – sadness, compassion, and understanding.  So, you just might find someone here whose life is more complicated than your own.  And that’s just a part of what writing fiction is all about.  Ms. Canterbary knows how to give her characters humanity.  And in this current state of affairs isn’t that something nice to read about.  We have two unlikely characters that help us get lost in their world and forget what’s going on in ours. 

In reading the title, don’t go into this wringing your hands saying “ok, let’s get it on”.  The author takes her time to build the heat and tension between her main characters first.  She needs to grab our attention so that we’ll keep coming back for more.  I think you’ll find that she’s achieved that here.  I’ve been left with a craving.  I look forward to discovering the worlds our author has created – or yet to create.

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