Thursday, June 11, 2020

HEA PR & More Presents: Liam by LeAnn Ashers; #BookTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Review

In the mood for an #MCRomance? Read LIAM, Devil Souls MC Book 4,  by LeAnn Ashers today!

Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from HEA PR & More and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising". 


I met Liam when I was sixteen years old. There was something about him that tempted me to break all the rules. I was enthralled by his bad boy ways, but I knew there was so much more to him—a side of Liam that he didn’t allow people to see.

Little did I know, he’d save me on what could’ve been the worst day of my life. At that point, there was no going back. He was my everything. I felt safe in his arms.

Until someone tried to kill me.


I was only seventeen years old when I met Paisley, and I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off her ever since.

She was everything I wasn’t, but that didn’t stop me from wanting her, from making her mine. I’d love and protect her with my life.

The cartel started gunning for her, and that was the worst decision they could have made. They’ll never know what hit them...



My Thoughts:

Paisley lets the reader know the moment she gets her knight in shining armor.  Liam made a promise to both himself and to Paisley.  This is a case of when you see two people together you want to be nosey and ask what their story is.  There’s a part of me that thinks the author is acting like the local gossip who spills the beans – and sometimes that’s not a bad thing.  You know there are some people that are thinking “what did I miss?” and we need that one person that will help fill in the blanks.  Then we have our main characters that will fill in any gaps that gossipers wouldn’t know.

As you get to see the couple flourish; you’ll sigh, smile and maybe even go “aw”.  One thing I like about stories told in the first person is that the characters are our eyes and ears to everything that’s going on. Some things will be good and some not so much.  You tend to forget that there’s an MC involved here.  The author though is good about giving us reminders.  I didn’t mind them because the MC is part of who Paisley and Liam are.

You could read this story as a standalone but there are some key characters that make several appearances throughout the story.  So, if this is where you started, you’ll have some catching up to do in order to understand who the key players are.  Especially since they are important to Paisley.

I loved Liam’s story from start to finish.  There didn’t appear to be any gaps that left me wondering what I might have missed.  Amongst the happiness and love, you could see from our couple, you are also given a glimpse at the darker side of being in an MC.  I bring this up in case you have any triggers.  In creating the Paisley character, the author shows her sweet side but watch out for the other side.  She can hold her own and still be feminine.  With Liam, you’ll get to see both his tender and hard as nails side.  They make a great combination.  By the time I’ve reached the very last word, I’m ready for more.  The question now becomes “will I see more of the men called The Devil Souls?”

Catch up on the Devil Souls MC series!

TORCH, Book 1

TECHY, Book 2


LIAM, Book 4


LeAnn Ashers is a blogger-turned-author who spends her days reading and writing. She released her debut novel early 2016, and can't wait to see where this adventure continues to take her. LeAnn enjoys writing about strong-minded females and swoon-worthy, protective alpha males who love their women unconditionally.

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