Sunday, May 17, 2020

L. Woods PR Presents: The Land Where Sinners Atone by V.F. Mason; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review

The Land Where Sinners Atone 
by V.F. Mason 
available NOW!
Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.
#DarkRomanticThriller  #RomanticSuspense  #DarkSuspense #EnemiestoLovers

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from L. Woods PR and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

Once upon a time she became mine.
Mine to destroy. I used to have it all.
Successful career.
Loving husband who adored me.
A future full of possibilities.
A perfect fairytale nothing could break.Until one day, life as I knew it was crushed into tiny little pieces.
I was charged with a murder I didn't commit.
And no matter how much I begged for justice, no one believed me.
Least of all the man who promised to stand by me through anything.

And the husband of the woman I allegedly killed?
He vowed for me to live in a hell on earth–and even then it wouldn’t be enough to atone for my sin.
His words rang in my ears every single day as life became an endless nightmare.
With time, I grew to hate him so much my heart burned from it.

Until three years later new evidence was found.
And everyone believed my truth.

I might be free but I’m still part of a twisted game the monster is playing.
And the only way I can survive in it?
Trust a man who I promised to hate till my last dying breath.

- Enemies-to-lovers dark romantic suspense -

Universal --
FREE with #KindleUnlimited

Add to your TBR --

My Thoughts:

Phoenix Hale feels all alone.  Zachary King wants what he wants no matter what anyone says.  This was a story that I could picture playing out in the real world.  Then it would end up as a show on either Oxygen or the ID Network.
Having this told in the first person, you will see Phoenix's life through her eyes and Zachary's through his mind.  If you have a soft heart be warned that what our author has created can get graphic enough that you will have no trouble having the scenes play out in your mind.  At the very least, you may not want to read it before going to bed.

There comes a time when it seems like the author wants to take her readers to a very dark place.  Then it seems like a lightswitch has been flipped when a new character is introduced.  That makes all the darkness worth it - it turns it into a moment where you can't put the book down.  And that's exactly what happened to me.

We recently had a bad storm in the area where I live.  If there's one story that you will want to read again it would be this one.  If you like to set the tone as you're reading, a storm like we had would be a perfect choice.  Just like the story;  it starts by getting dark, then the wind starts to kick up and starts to pour but eventually everything stops and it begins to clear.  This book may also give you the incentive to check out more of this author's work.  For me it just means that I have a lot more reading to do.

About the Author:

V.F.Mason always loved reading books and had quite a few fights with her momma over the genre she liked (romance, duh!) She studied filmmaking and thought that would feed her desire for stories, but that didn’t happen. Finally, when she was tired of all those voices in her head, she sat down and wrote a book. It was a huge decision to make and she thanks her friends and family for supporting her in it. When she is not writing, she can be found with her friends doing all sorts of crazy things or reading recent romance books that were written by her favorite authors.

Connect with V.F.!


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