Wednesday, May 20, 2020

IndieSage PR Presents: Bohemian Patience by Misty Walker; #CoverReveal, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder, #Giveaway

Bohemian Patience
by Misty Walker
Publication Date: June 3, 2020
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

#BookBlogger #ReadRomance #BohemianPatience  #MustRead

Being a gypsy means going into an arranged marriage.
My siblings fought against it, but not me.
Having a woman who was raised to be a wife, a mother, and warm body for me to sink into? Sounded good to me.

Unfortunately, my new wife is not what I was expected.
She’s mouthy, bratty, and gets on my last nerve.
But I’m no quitter and I’m not afraid to put in the work.

So, I romanced my wife. I gave her time and space. I had patience.
I realized she was fighting a much bigger battle than I had even known.
She’s spent her life being told she’s evil and cursed.

That’s not who she is.
She’s beautiful, smart, and has big dreams.
She’s more than a bride to be sold off. More than a prize to be won.
Now, more than ever, I’m determined to be her champion.

The only thing she wants is freedom.
And now that she has it, will she choose me?


Also in the Series:

Bohemian Law (#1):
Bohemian Mark (#2):


About Misty Walker:

Misty Walker has been writing stories, articles, and poems since junior high. Preferring to stay behind the scenes until now, she has been an avid romance reader, a blogger, and an audiobook proofer for the last fifteen years. Growing up in a nomadic household, Misty has lived all up and down the western USA, but recently settled in Reno, Nevada. Misty is a mom to two kids who are slowly trying to kill her, but they are cute, so she will keep them. She just celebrated her sixteen-year anniversary with her computer geek husband and has two dogs, Dunkin and Dutch, that are her constant companions while she happily reads and writes her life away.

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