Wednesday, April 29, 2020

KB Worlds Presents: Thrust by Mary B. Moore; #CoverReveal, #ComingSoon


Mary B. Moore’s Thrust is a high-speed, impassioned, contemporary romance written in K. Bromberg’s Driven Worlds project.


My childhood made me grow up quickly, but I could honestly say that Colton had taught me how to be a real man, while Rylee had been the mother figure who’d helped me smooth out a lot of the ragged edges I’d had emotionally.

That hadn’t been enough, though, so after graduation I’d focused on Stanford and put into practice everything Colton had taught me. I wanted to be respected because I’d earned it, to have a life I’d built myself, so the second I got my chance to go out into the world after that, I took it. They were all my home and my anchors, but I needed to find out who I really was and to shake off the remaining resentment I had toward my parents and break the final piece of the hold they had on me. So I did.

Now, six years later, I’m back.

Everything’s changed, everyone’s changed. It feels good to be back around my family, but the one person I thought would be excited to see me isn’t. She thinks I left her and she thinks I forgot about her, but she couldn’t be further from the truth.

As teenagers, what I felt for her was more than a crush, but I never acted on it and never let her know because I couldn’t let myself be that vulnerable with someone. Now, as adults, it’s all consuming, and finding out that someone from her past has been stalking and threatening her is testing the control I’ve worked so hard to find.

I might have come crashing back into her life, but I’m here to stay now. I just need her to trust me and believe me while I work on opening up a side of me I’ve never opened up to anyone.

And I also need to keep her safe.

Photographer: @RplusMPhoto
Model: Blake Sevani
Cover designer: Jay Aheer, Simply Defined Art

Author Info: 
Goodreads Link:
Instagram: @MooreMaryB

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