Saturday, October 19, 2019

#NewRelease: Waltz Of Seduction by Natasha Blackthorne; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #OnSale, #99Pennies, #Review

New Release: Waltz of Seduction by Natasha Blackthorne ~
 A Steamy Regency Novella

Rating:  4.5 Stars

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

It all started with a daring red ball gown…

Shy common-born Sara wants to seduce her husband. Her handsome, noble-born husband wants only to teach her how to waltz. But who knew a waltz could be so naughty?

Add Waltz of Seduction to Goodreads.

 Lord Lockhart loves his new bride. Yet he also knows that a gentleman doesn't inflict his passionate desires on a wife. The marriage bed is for begetting heirs, not animal lust. No matter how much he desires his wife. But under Lady Lockhart's shyness is a determination to tempt her handsome husband, to satisfy them both and spend every night together in her bed.

Innocent waltzing lessons in their chambers soon become passionate, and may lead the newlyweds to overcome their preconceptions and learn to be lovers, as well as man and wife.

My Thoughts:

Sara Lockhart just wants to be noticed. Colin Lockhart thinks he needs to follow propriety. This is a great reminder on how much we’ve changed. Our thinking and how we interact are just two examples.

Our author has created a piece of work that takes us back in time. We are always told that life was so much simpler back then but it seemed like they had rules for everything – and that included married life. Men seemed to have fewer rules than the woman – no surprise there. But Colin wasn’t expecting Sara. I liked he was patient, took his time, and how they were able to find a way to be a happy couple – together.

If I had to be sad about anything it would have to be how short this story is. You can finish it in a matter of a couple hours. Maybe you are one that likes to speed-read. It’s my hope though; that with this book you will slow down and enjoy the spicier side of this historical romance. The good side of reading a short story is that if you have the time you could read another novells or just check out another one of this author’s work.

A Message from Natasha Blackthorne: 

Dear Readers, 

On May 20, 2011, I made my debut as a published author with Waltz of Seduction through Ellora’s
Cave under their Quickies®
line. Now I am re-releasing this short novella. I hope you enjoy this short story for what it is, a snapshot of one moment of time between a young misinformed husband and an innocent and shy but eager young wife. The heat level is Scorching Hot Romance and it contains some sensual bondage.


Waltz of Seduction

Copyright © 2011 Natasha Blackthorne

Alarm accelerated her heartbeat and she glanced up at him. "What are you doing?"

"Trust me." He moved behind her and took both her hands. She felt him tugging and pulling.

Then he faced her. "Now we try again."

She pulled at her hands. She couldn’t move them. He had bound them together. "Colin?"

He came back to face her and clasped the sides of her waist, holding her firmly. "I will not let you fall. Do you trust me?"

"I suppose," she replied. But she worried about his state of mind. He did seem a little foxed.

He began to move, slowly. She stared down at her feet.

"Stop counting the steps." He pointed at his face. "Look me in the eyes. Feel this in your body, not your head. Trust me."

Her feet wouldn’t obey.

"In my eyes," he said.

She took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on this mysterious thing  he seemed to think she would see in his eyes. He smiled at her and then she did feel something in her belly. A gushy sensation that did  nothing to steady her balance. She returned his smile. He was certainly more handsome than her dancing master had been. More graceful as well.  They finished the dance with a few trips and stops. Then mercifully, it was over.

They rested a moment.

"I think I have it, will you untie me now?"

"Oh no, my Lady Lockhart. That was just practice. If you trip this time, you shall owe me two waltzes at that ball."

It was an unfair edict. She felt helpless as a marionette in his arms.
She didn’t know how she was expected to keep her balance.

After a time, his steady blue gaze transfixed her. She forgot about her feet  and just followed him. He was right, there was something in the stomach. A feeling of connection between what she saw in his eyes and  how her feet seemed to move in tune with his as if by magic. He twirled her faster and faster until she was laughing and trying to catch her  breath. He slowed down and bent his mouth to her ear.

"This is  waltzing. And you dance beautifully when you forget yourself." His  husky voice sent shivers though her.

His lips touched hers. His tongue caressed her lower lip in feathery
strokes. Her lips parted of their own volition and his tongue swept
into her mouth. Hot, wet and wine tinged.

Dear sweet heaven.

He had never kissed her like this. She wanted to embrace him but he  didn’t seem in a hurry to release her from her bonds. Maybe she should  ask. But then, Priscilla said men didn’t like to be directed in the  bedchamber.

 **Available on Kindle Unlimited **

.99 to purchase

About the Author

Natasha Blackthorne writes Scorching Hot Historical Romance where deeply flawed characters find love & trust. Her stories are most frequently about the intimate journey of the characters as they learn to open their hearts to love.  

Natasha’s heroines are not perfect ladies. They are wildflowers and wallflowers who flirt with the forbidden. Whether they are bold or shy, these heroines’ strong desires and deep emotions drive the plot and drive their strong, dominant heroes heroes to the point of no return.

Natasha holds a B.A. in History, loves reading, cats and music.

Connect with Natasha Blackthorne online:

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