Monday, October 14, 2019

MJ's Book Blog & Reviews Presents: Service and Sacrifice by MariaLisa DeMora; ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review, #OnSale, #99Pennies

From the author of the Rebel Wayfarers MC series, MariaLisa deMora, comes the Borderline Freaks MC.

Book One is

Rating:  4.5 Stars

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from MJ’s Book Blog & Reviews and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


“Thank you for your service” is what we’re taught to say to military men and women in gratitude for our freedoms won at their expense. Less often do we thank their families, those left behind to hold down the fort, to manage the day-to-day struggle of keeping everything up in the air until their
loved one returns.

When you can’t count on anyone else to save you, there’s only one real choice.

Amanda lost her husband to war. Alex lost part of himself. Through a series of
glancing encounters, Amanda and Alex find reasons to continue on. And together, they’ll discover hope and peace can be found in the most unexpected of places.

One Click your copy today!

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What Others Are Saying:

Excerpts of Goodreads Reviews

“ My favorite thing about this author's writing is her ability to reach me through the pages in a way that I can see and hear the characters so clearly. Their emotions and voice inflections, their whispers and cries...everything. Every one of her stories gives me the feels, but this one made my chest ache practically from beginning to end...sigh.”

“ A touching story that is affecting, poignant, passionate and inspirational..”

“ You really feel for these characters. You understand their pain and long for them to surrender to the love that they can have together!”

My Thoughts:

Our author’s Dedication is a thank you and worth your time to read.  You also need to read her Acknowledgements that gives you a sense of her inspiration.  When I read it, I got the impression that we might need to keep some tissues handy.

Amanda Stewart is trying to carry on.  Alex “Monk” Waterman has people that know what he’s going through.  This was a great story that celebrates both the family of the military as well as those that have served.  It’s a reminder that some family members seem to be forgotten and they seem to be alone.

I read this book at the perfect time.  The news ran a story where homes were being built for service members and their families.  It got me to thinking about those families where the service member is no longer with us.  What kind of support system is out there to help?  Does someone reach out to them?  Or are they expected to do the reaching?

This story went by too quickly.  The author doesn’t shortchange her readers either.  There are gaps and there needs to be in order to keep it within the short story parameters.  The gaps aren’t important to the story so you don’t feel as if you’re missing out on anything.  It’s a romantic read.  We have a man who takes the time to woo a woman whose heart needs to mend.  He has his own issues but they take a backseat so he can help her heal.  It was a great beginning to introduce the reader to this series.  I can’t wait to get to know the rest of the characters.  And I have to wonder if we will see Amanda and Alex again.


 To see other works by MariaLisa deMora please check out her website

Author Bio:

Raised in the south, MariaLisa learned about the magic of books at an  early age. Every summer, she would spend hours in the local library,  devouring books of every genre. Self-described as a book-a-holic, she says “I’ve always loved to read, but then I discovered writing, and found I adored that, too. For reading … if nothing else is available, I’ve been known to read the back of the cereal box.”

A hockey fan, hiker, gamer, and single mom of a special needs son, she embraces her inner geek and has been working in the tech field for a publishing company for a couple decades.

Music is a driving passion, and she says, “I love music of nearly any genre — jazz, country, rock, alt rock, metal, classical, bluegrass, rap,hip hop … you name it, I listen to it. I can often be seen dancing through the house in the early mornings. But I really, REALLY love live music. My favorite thing with music is seeing bands in small, dive bars [read: small, intimate venues]. If said bar [venue] has a good selectionof premium tequila, then that’s a plus!”

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