Thursday, October 10, 2019

IndieSage PR Presents: Just Another Day At The Office by L. Moone; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Review, #Giveaway

by L. Moone
Publication Date: October 7, 2019
Genres: Adult, Erotic, Contemporary, Office, Romance
Rating:  3.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.
#NewRelease #JustAnotherDayattheOffice #October2019 #Contemporary #Romance #KindleUnlimited

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from IndieSage PR and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".



Bloody typical. Day one at the new job, and I’m crushing so hard on my colleague I can’t think straight.

John isn’t your average romance novel hero. He doesn’t have a way with the ladies, neither does he have six pack abs. He’s just a regular guy with a bit of a dad bod, and he’s shy and awkward rather than suave and charming. That’s cool, because I’m just a regular girl. One who’s already head over heels for him and he doesn’t even realize it.
There’s something eating away at him, a mystery I’m determined to solve as well as resolve, if only he’ll give me half a chance. And if I stop being so damn nervous every time he’s around.


Some people are made for love and happiness. I’m not one of them.

It was a let down when she left, even if it wasn’t entirely out of the blue. Unexpected or not, it still hurts like hell. Especially because of the way things ended… Then there’s the new girl at the office, who keeps looking at me funny. I’m supposed to be training her, but her presence is making me feel even worse. She’s a constant reminder of everything I’ll never have.
I’m not sure I’m ready to hope again. The disappointment would end up crushing me.
Will John get over his issues and give love a chance? Can Cath convince him that despite his flaws, he truly is the man of her dreams? Read on and find out. Who knew things could get this hot at the office?
L. Moone first wrote and published Just Another Day at the Office back in 2013 when she had just started her writing journey under the pseudonym Hedonist Six. A heart-felt and super hot romance about ordinary people like you and me, trying to find their own path to happiness.

This new edition has been completely reworked and re-edited for your enjoyment.



My Thoughts:

This is a short story that has been told in parts. So if you’re looking for a place where you need to stop than that should help.

Jonathan “John” Hall hates the task he’s been given. Catherine “Cath” is like a lot of us – she just wants a job that she can do well. You know when an author does a good job with her characters when one of them can send shivers down your spine – and not in a good way.

There were times when John had my sympathy but then I started to wonder if it was a little misplaced. There’s a scene where something happens and Cath seems to brush it off. That’s the point where you know this tale isn’t realistic. I would hope that a woman would step up and say something, especially when she wants a connection. It was at that point when things went south for me, which then turned into disappointment. I know this is a work of fiction but the story just seemed so unbelievable. The only character that I could see as believable was not even a main character.

I certainly wouldn’t consider John book boyfriend material – in part because of his behavior. In John’s favor, he is one of a kind and not someone I’ve read about before. I wouldn’t call him a hero by any means but he does speak to Cath’s heart. He was definitely an unexpected surprise. Maybe part of that could be my fault because I developed a preconceived notion when I read the title and looked at the cover. Cath was not perfect either. And maybe that’s something we can take away from this – even people who are not perfect can find their other half. And maybe because they’re not perfect their story doesn’t have to be either.


"John," I say, while cupping his face. "You don't understand." 
I can feel tears welling up in my eyes too, but his gaze evades mine. I stand on tiptoe so our eyes are only inches apart now. 
"I do not want to be just friends. I've had a crush on you since I first saw you..."
His eyes widen in disbelief, and our lips meet in a near perfect first kiss. 
Hesitant and gentle, his lips press so softly against mine it makes me ache for more. A tear escapes my eye and rolls down my cheek.
I drink in his scent. Although it’s masked by how much he's had to drink tonight; I can still taste him through it all. My hands have moved on, fingers running through his hair and pulling him down into me. He is starting to react, returning my kisses, until we're both equally breathless. I coax his lips apart some more, allowing my tongue to find his, dancing around it. 
When our tongues finally meet, it's as if the floodgates open inside of me, releasing all the desire I had locked up inside all these weeks. Blood rushes outwards from my core into the farthest parts of my body until even my fingertips are buzzing with excitement. 
His large, strong hands find their way onto my back. He holds me so tightly against him. I can feel his warm body crushing against me and it drives me wild with desire. I’ve dreamt of this moment so many times and it does not disappoint. 
I take a step back, and he abruptly releases me.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." he stammers.
I shake my head and smile, and lead him by the hand towards the sofa. If this is a dream, it’s the best I’ve ever had.
"I'm not sorry," I say, before pushing him down. "I've been wanting to do this for so long..."
His eyes widen with surprise as I kneel beside him on the sofa, and lean in for another kiss. The excitement inside me is growing with every shallow breath I take and I can tell I'm having a similar effect on him. I keep losing myself in the moment. The only thing reminding me this isn't just a dream is that, when I manage to open my eyes every so often, I see his face right in front of mine. He's exactly where I want him to be, finally. 
His eyes seem to be losing focus, as though the long day as well as the drink is catching up with him. This isn’t fair for either of us, so I pull away just slightly.
"You look tired," I remark, while tracing the dark lines under his eyes with my fingertips. 
"Here." I hand him the forgotten glass of water that has been sitting on the coffee table for the better part of the evening.
While watching him drink, and in spite of the fire he stirred in me I can feel how exhausted I am myself. It’s the middle of the night after all. 
But he's here now. 
We have nothing but time. I'd rather he sobers up before we do anything else.


Jessica is a born and raised small town Ohio girl, who moved to the Sunshine State after graduating from college. She graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree in English. What college major could possibly be better than one that makes you read novels and write about them! Now she is thrilled to be able to share all the stories floating around in her head!
Jessica loves to travel and travel often! She’s a huge sports fan, especially college football and the Ohio State Buckeyes! She’s a wine-making (and wine-tasting) aficionado. She loves all music. And nothing is better than sunset at the beach!
In the journey of life, she also married a wonderful man and had three beautiful (and sometimes crazy) children. Life is always an adventure.


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