Sunday, October 20, 2019

Indies Unmasqued Presents: The Pledge by S.R. Jones; #ReviewBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Review

Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Indies Unmasqued and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


In my world, you take what you want, and rules are made to be broken.
In her world, people are good, kind, and honorable.
When our worlds collide, the fallout will burn us both.
Stella - her name means star, and for me she burns brighter than any other woman.
I've watched her from afar, telling myself she deserves better than me.
When she gets taken, all bets are off, and I make my move.
Stella wants me, wants this, but she's scared.
So I make her an offer. A deal.
One month. Me and her, and if at the end of it she doesn't want this she walks away.
Except, Stella doesn't know I always play for keeps.
And I always win.
Every. Single. Time.

My Thoughts:

Stella just wants to feel normal and be like everyone else. Alessio isn’t usually unsure of himself but he’s feeling things he never has before. Our author is twisted and in a good way. You think Stella’s already stepped into something but then she surprises both Stella and me. And the twists and turns just keep on coming.

This was my first book by the author and it was a great introduction. It showed me that even though this is part of a series, you could consider it a standalone. But if you’re like me, it won’t be long before you want more. You need to know more about the people that Alessio know and deal with.

Alessio seems to be a man that talks a tough game but he does have a soft spot. Stella is a young woman who was put down when she was younger but it took Alessio to let her know that those that put you down just might be lacking. He also doesn’t want her to do it to herself either. One last twist Ms. Jones give her readers is giving us not one but two Epilogues. The first will check off the world she created for Alessio and Stella. The second will get you ready for the next book in the series.

Our author takes us to Greece but doesn’t really get involved with “scenery” and since I’ve never been there that was hard for me to picture. But I can see myself at some point booking a trip and visiting some of the places that are mentioned. Would I take the book with me? Of course, I want the chance to walk in places where the characters may have been and then I will do a better job in picturing the scenes the author has written. The only thing I would do differently is looking for the country’s nonalcoholic drink choices. Plus I can’t wait to try some of the local food. Now I’ve gone and done it – I can almost smell the food so I might have to try the food now while reading this book again.


****THE DEBT is  #FREE for a #LimitedTime! → 

In my world, power is taken not given.
In my world, women are a pastime and nothing more.
In my world, emotions are dangerous and need to be locked down.

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