Friday, October 18, 2019

Indies Unmasqued Presents: The Pledge by S.R. Jones; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live

In my world, you take what you want, and rules are made to be broken.
In her world, people are good, kind, and honorable.
When our worlds collide, the fallout will burn us both.
Stella - her name means star, and for me she burns brighter than any other woman.
I've watched her from afar, telling myself she deserves better than me.
When she gets taken, all bets are off, and I make my move.
Stella wants me, wants this, but she's scared.
So I make her an offer. A deal.
One month. Me and her, and if at the end of it she doesn't want this she walks away.
Except, Stella doesn't know I always play for keeps.
And I always win.
Every. Single. Time.



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