Saturday, October 5, 2019

Audiobook Obsession PR Presents: Bayside Romance by Melissa Foster; #ReviewBlitz, #Audiobook, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Live, #Review

🎧🎧Audiobook Review Tour!! 🎧🎧

Bayside Romance 
By Melissa Foster
Narrated by Savannah Peachwood & Jacob Morgan
Rating:  5+ Stars 

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Audiobook Obsession PR and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

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Harper Garner is having a tough time of things and needs to be around her friends.  Gavin Wheeler has just received the shock of his life.  Then he had me wondering what he was up to.  He’s like a bulldozer.  He’s going to plow right through someone’s defenses.

Our author does such a great job with her characters.  I know I probably say that too much with Ms. Foster but I can’t help myself.  She just has a way of making them seem as if they could be someone in your own circle of friends.  You come to care about what they’re going through and want to make sure they’re going to be happy.  You don’t want to see someone hurting without knowing that there’s someone there to care for them and help them when they need it.

Our narrators had me hanging on to every word.  I enjoyed reading the book but once they started, I didn’t want anything to stop my listening pleasure.  Ms. Peachwood brought Harper to life for me.  It’s so much easier to picture the scenes when someone reads to you.  Mr. Morgan had me thinking what Gavin would actually look like since I already know what he sounds like – especially how he sings.  They are why I felt that 5 stars just wasn’t enough of a rating.

The places our author creates are places that you will want to visit.  If you ever do visit those places, you will want to see if you can find her characters and see how they’re fairing since you last met them.  As one character states “You’re real” and for some they come to feel that way – and our narrators make them seem so much more.  And that includes both the happy and sad times – also when the man messes up.  

Our author’s books are ones that cause you to relax – and that’s never a bad thing.  It’s a great way to destress.  Sometimes it’s a way to reflect on your own life and some of the choices you may or may not have made.  Maybe it’s just telling someone you’re sorry and opening up and communicating which is a great start to being happy again.  The sad part with any book is that all good things must come to an end.  But like good friends you can visit with them at any time.  

Release Blitz Hosted by Audiobook Obsession PR

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