Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Next Step PR Presents: Wrecked by Leia Stone; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Giveaway

Wrecked RB


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Wrecked Typo 

Getting married at eighteen wasn't the smartest idea but ... I'd been in love. Bryce, with his perfect words, his money, and all-American good looks. He had pulled me in, and when he spit me out, I'd barely been left alive. 
Now at twenty two and divorced, I just wanted to build a life for myself on my own terms. Free of fear.
First job. First crappy apartment. First taste of freedom. 
Enter Ethan King. The guy from high school I never had a chance with. As the leader of the local motorcycle gang, he's not exactly an outstanding citizen, but he's the one bright spot in my life. He's exactly what I need right now. Until Bryce, who never could accept losing, decides he's not ready to let me go. And if there is one thing I know about that monster, it's that he has no problem destroying everything in my world. 
Only this time I have Ethan King. And no one messes with a King.

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Let me Serve you


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Leia Stone is the USA Today bestselling author of multiple bestselling series including Fallen Academy. She's sold over a million books and her Matefinder series has been optioned for film. Her novels have been translated into four languages and she even dabbles in script writing. Leia writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance with sassy kick-butt heroines and irresistible love interests. She lives in Arizona with her irresistible husband and sassy kick-butt children.

Wrecked RB-6

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