Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Bare Naked Words Presents: Misadventures In Blue by Sierra Simone; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review

Misadventures In Blue 
by USA Today bestselling author Sierra Simone
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Rating:  4 Stars
#MisaventuresInBlue #SierraSimone #WaterhousePress 

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Bare Naked Words and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


Senior Detective Cat Day has one hard and fast rule about dating: no cops. They live hard and die young—a truth she’s faced every day since her fiancé’s tragic death several years ago. But when rookie Jace Sutton shows up to work the same burglary investigation, she feels desire she hasn’t felt in years.

Jace knows what he wants the minute Detective Day strolls onto his crime scene in heels and a pencil skirt tailored by God himself. He wants to thaw the legendary Ice Queen, and it only takes one hot, dirty night for Jace to realize he wants more. Much, much more.

But more is the last thing Cat wants from any cop—especially a playboy rookie like Jace. As the burglary investigation heats up and he repeatedly puts himself in danger, Cat must ask herself if Jace will be as reckless with her heart as he is with his life.


My Thoughts:

Jace Sutton was looking for excitement where his job is concerned.  Catherine “Cat” Day is all business until someone distracts her.  If you read the author’s Acknowledgements you may get a little hint about her inspiration.  Made me look at our main characters a little differently.

When I first started reading this, I thought our characters should be firefighters.  We need a man with just the right hose to put out the flames these two create when they’re together.  Then I think that maybe we need some fitness trainers with all the pushing and pulling going on.  The story is not all about them either.  There’s a little mystery that they need to solve.  Since I can’t solve them, I actually wanted to get more embroiled with the whodunit.

The author did a great job in creating the chemistry between Jace and Cat.  There’s also an age gap between the two but the author won’t make you uncomfortable about it.  It does come up every once in a while in the storyline but that just makes it seem more realistic and believable.  Some may consider Cat a cougar but I didn’t feel that way.  For me, a cougar is a lot older than she is portrayed.  She knows what she likes and what she wants and there’s nothing wrong with that.  The author does a good job in showing she’s vulnerable and a woman who may even question some of her choices.  There was just one little scene that I found a little “off”.  Jace was very specific in his description of what Cat was wearing and that was my only moment of not believing it.  Other than that, I can’t wait to see if our author will give her readers anymore Misadventures.

Meet the Author:

Sierra is a voracious reader of all things including the smuttiest smut, young adult, piles of non-fiction for research, and everything Bill Bryson (especially on audio).

She loves writing the dirtiest things that she can think of, King Arthur, sparkling water, Tarot, coffee, leggings, and learning new words daily.

Her previous jobs have included firing ceramics, teaching living history lessons in a one-room schoolhouse in full, 1908-approved school marm attire, and working as a librarian for several years—not in that order

She lives in the Kansas City area with her hot cop husband, two children, and two giant dogs. (And two cats, but they're so naughty we don't talk about them.)

The social media she cares about the most are Spotify and (her very very NSFW) Tumblr. Following her in those places is a true love language, indeed.


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