Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wildfire Marketing Solutions Presents: Little Lullaby by Jodie Larson; #CoverReveal, #ComingSoon, #TBR


Check out Jodie Larson’s brand new covers for her Lightning Strikes Series and the reveal of Little Lullaby 
coming on Sept. 12th!

#littlelullaby #lightningstrikesseries #serenadingshadows #notesofthepast #forbiddenlyrics #downbeat #rebrand #jodielarson #perfectreads #contemporaryromance #booksarelife #booknerdigan #bookpassion #bookster #readyourheartout #bookobsessed #amazingcovers #romancenovel #romancebooks #bibliophile #wildfiremarketingsolutions


Fame, fortune, and glory.

That’s the ultimate goal for any aspiring musician. Pay your dues to make your mark on the world. Get the contract, play the biggest stages. Be recognized for your talent.

For the Lightning Strikes, it was the dream.

Four best friends, a band of brothers, playing together since childhood. It didn’t matter where, whether it was garages, small bars, or even opening acts for bigger bands. All that mattered was the music. Nothing would stop them from getting everything they want.

What happens when love starts to find its way into the band? Is their goal still the same when four women enter their lives? From broken hearts to forbidden love, the guys fight to keep everything they have while wanting a new dream at the same time. Something they never saw coming.

Each has their own story to tell. One thing is for certain, the band will never be the same.


Serenading the Shadows:

Notes of the Past:

Forbidden Lyrics:


My closest friends are all in family mode. It’s like someone put a constant alarm on their biological clocks that won't stop ringing until an army of kids surrounds us all. Being the wives of rock stars, dealing with the spotlight, tours, and balancing time with their husbands, they have a lot on their plates. My only concern is when Gabe will be home from managing the bar.

Everyone keeps asking when we’re going to start trying. Our family. Our friends. At least my husband hasn’t joined in, but I see the look in his eyes every time someone says they’re pregnant.

He wants to start but I’m content on just practicing until the time is right.

Unfortunately, nothing ever works out the way you plan.

Two little lines. One scary adventure.

At least I won’t be alone.

After all, misery loves company.


Little Lullaby (Goodreads):


“When are you two going to start having children?”

Grandma asks me the same question every time she comes over to visit. Hell, my mom, who sees me every weekend, bugs me just as much.

I surround myself with children most days of the week for my job. You know what it’s shown me?

Children are disease-carrying machines who do nothing but whine, cry, and shit all over the place. Call me crazy, but I’m not about to put my body through nine months of torture just to get peed on the minute a diaper comes off and exposes the child to the outside air.

Besides, Gabe and I are in a good place. He’s finally home at night, giving us the chance to have something normal. We have plenty of time to raise little beings who will undoubtedly destroy my house and my will to live.

Okay, maybe not quite to that extreme. I’m not a monster. I will love the little munchkin. It’s just…the motherly bug isn’t quite there. Adrienne – my best friend – had it right away, which was surprising considering her upbringing. She’s determined to do better by her children, not push them to do something they don’t want, unlike her parents. And she wants more than one since she was an only child and had no one to play with. I took offense to that statement. Who am I? Chopped liver?

Turning my head, I acknowledge Grandma’s question with a half-hearted smile. “One day, Gram. We’re trying.” Practicing nightly is more accurate. Just with the help of a small little pill I’ve been taking since I was eighteen. It hasn’t failed me yet.

Gabe rests his hand on my knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. “It won’t be long now.”

I glare at him out of the corner of my eye. What in the hell is he talking about? Sure, I realize he’s not getting any younger, but unless he plans on pushing that bundle of joy out his dick hole, he better rethink his statement.

Grandma smiles and nods, clearly appeased with his answer. That better be the only reason he said it.

I want kids. I do. Miniature versions of Gabe and myself running around the house.

I want kids. Just not right now.


Jodie Larson is a wife and mother to four beautiful girls, making their home in northern Minnesota along the shore of Lake Superior. When she isn’t running around to various activities or working her regular job, you can find her sitting in her favorite spot reading her new favorite book or camped out somewhere quiet trying to write her next manuscript. She’s addicted to reading (just ask her kids or husband) and loves talking books even more so with her friends. She’s also a lover of all things romance and happily ever afters, whether in movies or in books, as shown in her extensive collection of both.


Instagram: or @jodielarson

Twitter: or @jlarsonauthor

Other books written by Jodie Larson:

Fated to be Yours

Fated to be Mine

Lessons of the Heart

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