Thursday, August 8, 2019

IndieSage PR Presents: Alessio by Bethany-Kris; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway

by Bethany-Kris
Guzzi Legacy Duet, #2
Publication Date: August 5, 2019
Genres: Adult, Romantic Suspense, Organized Crime, 
Erotic Romance, MMF
Rating:  4 Stars

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from IndieSage PR and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


The son of a prominent Cosa Nostra Don, Corrado Guzzi’s life should have been all mapped out. He would be what every other Guzzi man was, too—made, mafia. It’s their way. But when given another choice, the chance to be something more, he takes it. Even if it comes with strings.
It’s there that he might find where he belongs, and Alessio Sorrento. The man who could change his whole life.
This love thing? It should have been easy, but they made it hard. Nothing about a relationship like theirs is simple. Dictated by rules, weighed down with things left unsaid, and already hanging by a frayed thread.
This is what love looks like before, and after.
Before she came along.
And after she was there.
It takes one woman to change everything.
Ginevra Calabrese wasn’t ready for this—for them.
So, what happens now?


NOTE:  Corrado (book one) and Alessio (book two) are a duet within The Guzzi Legacy series, and should be read in order. All other titles in the series are standalone. This is NOT a love triangle.



My Thoughts:

Alessio Sorrento’s heart is hurting. He seems angry either with himself, the situation, or with somebody else. You need to read Corrado’s story first to get your first introduction and to understand a little bit of whom he is. He’s complicated. He doesn’t seem to do well with change.

Ginevra isn’t sure of what she’s feeling. She discovers something interesting about Alessio – was a surprise to me. She’s the character that helps us get a better understanding about these two men even though she seems to be a little unsure about herself. If you want a food analogy, think of these three as a sandwich. The men are the bread and Ginevra is the filling.

Corrado Guzzi is wondering how things are going to progress. He seemed to spend a lot of time trying to please Alessio and get him to see that things were changing. Change is a good thing and I think Corrado wants to bend it a little to fit their lives.

The author continues the process that still has me thinking how complex these men are – at least in my opinion. This time they seem to be living in a bubble called their life and we get to see how that bubble expands. She created a story that I wanted to read in one sitting but know that I couldn’t accomplish that. I hated the interruptions because I never could find the perfect stopping point. Corrado wants everyone to be happy. At the end I got the happy part but I just didn’t feel that their story was over. I know the series is a duet but I just didn’t feel as if there was finality at the end. Does this mean we’ll see them again?


Opening to her last page, she always remembered the page number and didn’t need to dog-ear to find her place, she became lost in words again. Time slipped by when she had a book in her hands, and nothing else to do. 
She flipped to a new page—the start of a new poem—when a familiar voice came from behind her, almost making her drop the book. 
“What are you doing in here? Are you supposed to be alone where you might … oh, I don’t know, run?” 
He had a darker quality to his voice than Corrado’s. She noticed that about him first. Both spoke with deep tenors that made her pay attention, but something was different about Alessio’s. 
Like he was always holding back. 
Never giving everything
Refusing to let the man behind her see he had scared her, Ginevra continued reading the poem as she replied, “Why would I run?” 
“I’m not sure if you want to be here.” 
Ginevra almost laughed. “I didn’t at first; I wanted to be with my sisters, but I also don’t get a choice, so here I am.” 
“That doesn’t mean you want to be here, though.” 
“Right now, I do.” 
He made a noise behind her—gruff, and curious. She didn’t understand what to make of that, or why he came here again, although it was his home along with Corrado, so she focused on things that made sense. 
Like the book of poems in her hand. 
“Did you trick him again to come here alone?” 
Alessio chuckled. “And if I did?” 
“He won’t like that.” 
“He doesn’t seem to give a shit about what I like lately, either. Fair is fair, yeah?” 
Ginevra wouldn’t argue that point.





“Introducing yourself, Alessio?” the man asked.


Corrado decided right then that he hated that name. And the man it belonged to, as well. The problem was, when Alessio turned his gaze back on Corrado, the humming was back. He couldn’t look away from the ocean of blue that stared back at him, or the way that as much as this guy rubbed him wrong … he wanted to know why.

Or anything about him at all.

“You’re not causing trouble, are you, Corrado?” his father asked out in the hallway.

“Define trouble.” Alessio chuckled. “Is he allowed to play with knives where someone can’t keep an eye on him at the same time?”

The man next to Alessio smacked him in the back of the head, making him glower back at him.

“Fuck off, Dare,” Alessio muttered.

“Play nice, Les.”

He looked back to Corrado again.

“But why, though? This is way more fun.”

Fuck him.

And the fact Corrado found he liked it.

Yeah, fuck that, too.

The other man, Dare, shook his head. “All right, Les, since you’re feeling chatty today, you can take Corrado around and show him the rest of the complex while I talk business with Gian.”

Alessio scowled. “I didn’t volunteer to be some mafia principe’s babysitter for the day.”

Dare smirked. “I’m sorry. Did I preface that with, if you feel up to it and it pleases your spoiled fucking ass to do it? No, so do it.”


“Did you introduce yourself properly?”

“No,” Alessio said. “Because I didn’t think there was a point.”

Dare sighed and waved between the two boys. “Alessio, you already know Corrado Guzzi … or you know what I told you about today. Corrado, meet the pain in my ass, also known as Alessio Sorrento.”

“Thanks for that.”

“But not a lie,” Dare replied. “And now my good deed for the day is done. Gian, do you think these two will be fine alone?”

Corrado’s father smiled a bit, amusement playing in his gaze as he nodded. “I think they’ll be fine while we chat.”

“Good, let’s begin.”

Alessio passed Corrado another look as Gian and Dare drifted away from the doorway, disappearing altogether. “Are you going to stand there all day, or what?”

Corrado didn’t move. “I’m not doing anything with you.”

“Yeah, that’s not going to work. Dare said what he said.”

“Fuck him, and you.”

“Oh, he swears, too.”

Corrado’s jaw flexed with his annoyance. “What is your problem?”

Alessio looked him over again, his gaze slow and deliberate. All over again, Corrado felt that same flare of frustration and interest all rolled into one. It warred inside his mind, clashing together and making him want to punch this guy in the mouth just because.

“Do you like what you see, or …?”

“Why, because I stare?” Alessio asked.

“Because your stare lingers.”


Bethany-Kris is a Canadian author, lover of much, and mother to four young sons, one cat, and two dogs. A small town in Eastern Canada where she was born and raised is where she has always called home. With her boys under her feet, snuggling cat, barking dogs, and a hubby calling over his shoulder, she is nearly always writing something … when she can find the time.

To keep up-to-date with new releases from Bethany-Kris, sign up to her New Release Newsletter here:


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