Sunday, July 7, 2019

InkSlinger PR Presents: Hero by Hayley Faiman; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #Review, #Giveaway

Today we have the blog tour for Hayley Faiman’s HERO! Check it out and get your copy today!

Title: HERO 
Author: Hayley Faiman
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Rating:  4.5 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:   I received this book for review from InkSlinger PR and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

About HERO:

Defeated. Coward. Gutless. Weak.

Perceptions define the man that I have become on the inside.

The world may not see me this way, but this is who I am.

Sullied. Contaminated. Worthless. Masked.

The way I perceive myself affects every aspect of my life.

The world may see a perfectly clean person, but on the inside, I am nothing but dirty and scarred.

The world sees us one way.

We see ourselves another.

Perceptions are what we’ve given ourselves.

Perceptions of what we think we deserve.

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 My Thoughts:

Wyatt Johnson happens to have a connection with the couple from book one in the Unfit Hero series. He seems to be a ladies man but as you get to know him you’ll find that’s not true. Exeter White doesn’t realize it but she has something in common with Wyatt. There were so many times that I wanted to yell at Exeter. I know it has to do with her past but her self-esteem seems to be almost nil. Wyatt is just what she needs but the page-turner moments are looking to see if she follows her head or her heart.

I would read Rylan’s story first because it bleeds into this current book. I didn’t mind that since Wyatt and Rylan seem to have a close relationship. Plus Exeter helps us in getting to know more of what’s going on with Channing. In some ways family is important to our characters.

It was interesting to see a man who grew up with uncertainties find a woman who could change that into certainties. Our author creates a story that seems so believable. Exeter’s story is something that could certainly be based on reality since sadly it is something that does happen. Back in the day it was a subject that wasn’t talked about and certainly never put into fiction. But it’s nice to see that when an author creates a work of fiction, they can show a great outcome to something that might be a painful reminder for some.

I think that this is one reason why I liked this book just a little more than Rylan’s. Exeter touched my heart. She’s not a woman who fits into a model’s body but can still catch a great guy. She also fought against what was done to her even though it took a while to do it. Some may thing that Wyatt is the hero of this story but Exeter is as well. Problem is that she has to believe in herself and in order to do that she needs Wyatt – he sees something in her that she doesn’t.

Usually I love to read the sneak peeks the author includes because it gets me excited about the next book coming out. This time, I said, “no, I’m not going to”. That was until I realized it was a short story – so I caved. Now the question becomes “will there be more?”

About the Author:

I was born and raised in a small farming town in California. I met my husband when I was 16 and he was 19. We married four years later and have two little boys! We lived in Oregon for a few years while he served in the US Coast Guard.

Texas is now where we call home, where our boots rest, and where we’re raising our two little boys and a chocolate lab named Optimus Prime.

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