Monday, July 15, 2019

Give Me Books Presents: Depraved by Bella J.; #TeaserReveal, #ComingSoon, #TBR, #PreOrder

#AmericanStreetKings #depraved #bellaj #darkromance #romanticsuspense #mcromance

“Intense, dark, raw, dirty and so much more… I couldn’t stop turning the pages” – Goodreads reviewer

Obsession. It’s an ugly thing.

It consumes you. Controls you. Dictates your every move.

You can try to fight it, try to resist. But its stronger than you. It always wins.

The day I first saw her, obsession took root inside me. Suddenly there was nothing else. Just her.

My obsession left me no choice. I had to have her.

No matter the cost.
No matter the risk.
In the end she will be mine.

Until then…I wait. 

Pre-order your copy now!

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