Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Buoni Amici Press Presents: Covering Ollie by Freya Barker; #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Review, #Giveaway

Title: Covering Ollie(On Call #2) 
Author: Freya Barker 
Genre:Romantic Suspense 
Release Date: May 14, 2019 
Hosted by: Buoni Amici Press, LLC. 
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Buoni Amici Press and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

Living in Durango, Colorado for the past eighteen years allowed Ollie Rizzo to build her own business and carve out a quiet existence for her and her teenage daughter. She’s used to going it alone. However, their new silver-haired neighbor might present a problem—not only is he handsome—he’s also Durango’s new chief of police; a complication she can’t afford.
For recently widowed Joe Benedetti, the job offer as Durango’s new chief of police came at the right time. With life, the new job, and his two young sons settling into a comfortable routine, he does his best to ignore the beautiful and intriguing woman across the street. Yet when he discovers she’s caught the attention of the FBI, there is no way he can stay away.
Their worlds collide with the appearance of FBI Special Agent Cruz Livingston. The agent has a warning to deliver, one that spins life in Durango out of control, giving Joe a crucial mission—keep Ollie alive.

My Thoughts:

Joe Benedetti is a dad doing the best that he can. Ollie Rizzo is just trying to take care of her daughter. Our author could have just left her story with two parents starting over but she went out of her way to create more. Once you see what Joe does for a living, you’ll know that she’s setting us up for an adventure.

One thing I liked about this author was that she took the chance on creating a character that’s not physically perfect. She shows that Ollie doesn’t let physical challenges stop her from doing what she needs to in order to do what she needs to for her daughter. The kids are more of a secondary character but the author created enough that you want to see them grow up.

Our author slowly builds her story, which gives us time to get to know our main characters a little. That doesn’t mean that anything moves slowly. I have a problem with speed reading but this was one book that I didn’t mind slowing things down to enjoy what was created for my enjoyment. She made it easy to see them, right from the beginning, becoming a blended family – you could see the love they all had for each other. Everything seemed plausible and nothing felt as if it didn’t belong to the storyline. And that just makes for the perfect ending for everyone.

Freya Barker inspires with her stories about 'real’ people, perhaps less than perfect, each struggling to find their own slice of happy. 
She is the author of the Cedar Tree and Portland, ME Series, the Northern Lights Collection and the Rock Point Series. She is also co-author of the SnapShot Series.
To see Freya's complete backlist, or to find out what is coming down the pipe, visit freyabarker.com. 

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