Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Babs Book Bistro Presents: Forever Hold My Heart by Rue Allyn; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow

Forever Hold My Heart
ISBN: 978-1-7335907-1-6
Rating:  3.5 Stars
#ForeverHoldMyHeart, #HighlandRomance

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Babs Book Bistro and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".

The past keeps Caibre and Aisla apart. Only Love and forgiveness can give them a future.


The hero of Rue Allyn’s A Wish for All Seasons, Caibre MacFearann, left Scotland and love behind believing he would never return. However, one small ring changes everything.

Losing Caibre MacFearann’s love once hurt so much that Aisla MacKai wants nothing to do with him when a blizzard brings the man to her doorstep. Kindness and human charity require that she give him shelter, no matter that her poor heart had never mended.

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My Thoughts:

Aisla MacKai believes in her family but at times it can be frustrating. Caibre MacFearann was a tough character to get to know. This is a story that was slow to develop. I found that we actually had three stories going on.

Aisla has challenges because she’s trying to lead at a time where it was the men seemed to run everything. Steafan is her brother has come home after his adventures. Caibre has also come home but not for long? At times it was hard for me to try and connect these three people and that could be because they each seemed so independent.

I love historical romances because it makes learning about a time period fun. With this one it was hard to see the romance for quite a while – which I finally felt at the end. There were times where the historical seemed to get lost – felt as if the story could take place during any time period. The same could be said about where the story took place. The only thing that helped were the secondary characters – they helped to place me in a different time and place. It was also hard to picture this taking place in Scotland – didn’t feel like I was hearing enough of the brogue to place me within the world the author has created.

This was the first book that I’ve read by this author. I think that I need to check out some of her other work to get an understanding for her writing style and how she develops the world that she’s taking her readers to. Then after that I can revisit this story and see if I have a different understanding of these main characters.


She tasted like the dawn of a Wyoming summer day, a crisp freshness that filled his head and body with joy combined with a dark smokiness that squeezed his heart at the same time it wrapped him in the comfort of knowing he’d found his true home.
He gathered her in his arms and lifted her against his chest. One hand cradled her head, stroking her silken midnight tresses as he swept kisses across her face and nibbled at her neck. His other hand cupped her bottom, supporting her and torturing himself in the best possible way. His palm burned, yearning for the touch of skin and her soft woman’s body.
Her arms crept up his chest. Her fingers tangled in his hair and, she pulled his head back to her lips. Her sweet, smoky, tender lips. He could drown there and die happy. But his body insisted he go on living, give and take as much pleasure as possible. Where could they . . . ?
Caibre dropped Aisla to the floor but kept a steadying hold on her. He turned in a single movement to place her protectively behind him. Mrs. Grogan stood framed in the doorway, the cart before her loaded with tea things, the whisky decanter, and a single glass.
“I’ll be telling the Baron what I’ve seen. Ye’ve ruined Miss Aisla, and ye’ll pay the price.” The housekeeper craned her neck to look past him. “Both of ye. For shame Miss Aisla, and with a filthy MacFearann.” The old woman pushed the cart into the room, moved back from it, and folded her arms. “I’ll no be leaving her alone with the likes of ye.”
Aisla stepped out from behind him. “Mrs. Grogan, please. It’s not what you think”
Caibre repressed a smile at the sight of her mussed hair and kiss-swollen lips. No one would believe her.
“Hmpf.” The housekeeper gave him a look full of menace. He’d seen kinder gazes in the eyes of gunmen determined to kill him.
“You’ve no need to tell the baron anything, Mrs. Grogan,” Caibre said. “I’ll be speaking with him myself at the first opportunity.” He’d not been looking for a wife, and given their past, Aisla might not be the best choice. Honor required they marry; nothing else mattered. He’d do his best to make her happy whether they loved each other or not.
“See that you do.”
Aisla pulled on his arm, and he turned to her. “You’ll not talk to Steafan. Nor will you, Mrs. Grogan. I will take care of this as I have everything at Dungarob for years.”
Her tone was fierce, but Caibre could see wild panic in her eyes. He wished he could soothe her anxiety but could do nothing until he spoke with Steafan MacKai. “Don’t worry.” He reached out to stroke her hair. “I’ll make everything right.”
“There is nothing to be made right.” She squared her shoulders, banking the panic he’d seen.

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