Monday, April 29, 2019

Bare Naked Words Presents: Vengeful Eyes by Charlotte E. Hart & Rachel De Lune; #BlogTour, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, TBR

Vengeful Eyes 
by Charlotte E Hart and Rachel De Lune
Genre: Dark. Erotic Romance
Rating:  4 Stars
Told in the first person.  Alternating persons. 

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received this book for review from Bare Naked Words and the author.  I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.  I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:  "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".


"You play nice tonight."
That's what I said to her as we walked into the restaurant.
Hope Winters never failed me.  She was anything and everything I needed her to be. A dangerous woman. Perfect. Effective. Mine. 

The deal should have been simple - mutually beneficial to both parties: Cane and Vico.  An alliance. But then blood, bullets, and death began surrounding me, opening cage doors I'd closed down. That doesn't happen in my city, not unless I order it. Someone's to blame.
And no one lies to me and survives.
Not even Hope.  

"Maybe you're worth it."
Words I've longed to hear. After all this time, I was almost there. My perfectly crafted mission was nearly done . Years of scheming and seducing and it was all within my grasp.  

But I allowed myself to be distracted by him and didn't see the threat until it was too late. Falling in love wasn't part of the plan. Hell, love was a foreign concept to me, but it changed everything, and now I'm in too deep with a man more dangerous than anyone I've met.  Benjamin Vico asked me for two things, and instead, I brought vengeance to his door.  If there is one thing he'll never accept, it's treachery and deceit.
And I've committed both. 

Revenge. Blame. Dark. Erotic. Romance.


My Thoughts:

Benjamin Vico lets you know that he’s in charge and he’ll show anyone that doesn’t understand that. So you may want to hold off eating anything if you’re a little squeamish. It’s that graphic – horror movie graphic. Hope Winters surprised me as to how accepting of her situation she seemed to be. It did make me wonder how she got to that point and that’s when it became a page-turner for me. Even though it was hard not to turn the page, there were moments where I had to step away – my heart just hurt for her.

I found where Hope was concerned, she’ll reveal things to us when she’s ready – or at least when the authors knows she’s ready. Just like in the first book it’s not hard to see the darkness to the story. Erotic, yea you’ll get some of that here but it’s the romance I still have issues with. Maybe it’s just me but when I hear the word romance I don’t picture Vico and Hope but I liked watch our authors trying to change my mind. There’s some physical contact that some of you may be uncomfortable with so if you have any triggers you may want to take that into consideration before purchasing.

In the first book, I had issues with Quinn and his seemingly lack of respect when it came to women. I got that same impression here with Vico. And that’s something I don’t get. How can a woman consider that acceptable? Again, that is something that kept me moving through the story. Our authors are very good at pushing our limits. It’s why I was thankful this was a work of fiction but it does make you wonder. They leave you no choice but to hand over your mind and heart with this one. Your mind may tell you to look away but like any good horror movie, you can’t. Your heart may say that it can’t take any more but you’ve become invested in these characters so you carry on. They make a good duet since you can’t tell which part each author played in creating these characters.

As I kept reading the interactions between Benjamin and Hope, I kept questioning who they were. What could Hope see in a man like him? Who does Benjamin think he is? I know the Cane brothers make an appearance but that’s what makes them secondary characters but it was interesting to watch the authors blend them with the main characters. I didn’t feel like there was a true ending so I can’t tell you if that means this series is over or not. But I do have to do a fill in. Without realizing it, I skipped book two so I need to go back and change that since I don’t want to miss out on one of the Canes. And I have to hope that Ms. Hart and Ms. De Lune will collaborate again.



Meet The Authors:

Charlotte E. Hart 

Charlotte is an Dark Erotic Suspense/Romance author living in the heart of the Shropshire countryside in Great Britain. She's lived all over the UK, but finally settled in a small town that still reeks of old school England.
Writing and poetry have become a revolution for the soul, and she cherishes every second that she's sitting at the laptop tapping her way into a new character.

"Life is a torrent of differences, different needs and wants, and it doesn't always end that well. Yet we strive ..."
Charlotte E Hart

Most of Charlotte's work is bdsm based and intended for mature audiences only.

Rachel De Lune

Rachel De Lune writes emotionally driven contemporary and erotic romance.

She began scribbling her stories of dominance and submission in the pages of a notebook several years ago, and still can’t resist putting pen to real paper. What ifs are turned into heartfelt stories of love where there will always be a HEA.

Rachel lives in the South West of England and daydreams about shoes with red soles, lingerie and chocolate. If she’s not writing HEAs, she’s probably reading them. She is a wife and has a beautiful daughter.
For every woman who's ever desired more.

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