Thursday, April 25, 2019

Author's Pal Presents: Red Zone by Janet Elizabeth Henderson; #BlogTour, #ReleaseBlitz, #NowAvailable, #OutNow, #TBR, #Live, #Giveaway

Meet the Author:

I grew up in Scotland, but after I met my Dutch husband in America we decided to move to New Zealand and that's where we've settled. We bought a patch of land that we've filled with other people's unwanted animals - we didn't advertise for them, they found us! So far we have three miniature horses (we took in two and were surprised 11 months later when a third appeared - yep, we know nothing about horses!), three anti-social alpacas, a grumpy cow, one pet sheep who wants to live in the house, a crazy goat who keeps eating my manuscripts and an escape artist chicken who breaks into our house through the cat flap. And that's just the pets who live outside the house - don't even get me started on the demented, farting dog who keeps burying my shoes! On top of this I have two small girls, one DIY obsessed husband (I said "obsessed" not "skilled") and a 92 year old neighbor who thinks she lives with us.

In between cuddling animals and herding kids, I write books. If you'd like to sign up for my newsletter, which happens sporadically - usually when books are being released - then you'll find a form on my website. In the meantime, happy reading!


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About the Book:

Welcome to the new world. Things have changed just a bit. Big Brother’s not only monitoring important things like what toilet paper you buy—it now has direct access to everything you see thanks to the mandatory implant you get at birth. And Friday Jones has seen something she wishes she hadn’t.

Now she has all kinds of undesirables after her—some to straight up kill her and others who want to steal what’s locked in her head. So, she’ll need the help of a ruthless mercenary, Striker, if she has any chance at survival. That he’s a jerk, who she wants to punch in the face, well…a dying woman sometimes has to make tough choices.

Striker’s special abilities have kept him in the shadows for a reason. He has no interest in getting mixed up with the smart-mouthed, hard-headed women no matter how his body reacts. But then he discovers what’s in her head and all bets are off.


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He raced down the stairs, dragging her after him. “Yep.”

“The walls, they were camouflage—holo-shields. Was the roof real or another holo-shield?”

“It was real.”

They reached the bottom of the stairs, where he opened a reinforced door—twenty inches of steel. A tunnel lay behind it. It was narrow, barely wide enough to fit Striker’s shoulders, and the ceiling skimmed his head. She silently said a prayer of gratitude that she wasn’t claustrophobic.

Her mind distracted her from the small space by working on other problems. “They’ll detect the energy signature from the holo-shields. They’ll know where to look.”

“Not until they’ve chased the bike for a while.” He still held her hand tight in his. For some strange reason, Friday didn’t want him to let go. “And if they do find the shields, as soon as they open the door in the alley, the staircase will blow. They won’t find the tunnel.”

“You sound awfully confident.” And she wasn’t sure it was merited.

“We set up this escape route when we started using Glen’s dive bar as a meeting point a couple of years ago.” He glanced at her, clearly amused. “This isn’t the first time we’ve had to use it. And, if the assholes don’t blow it up, it won’t be the last. This isn’t my first rodeo, chère.”

“I don’t know what that means.”

He just laughed, which was seriously irritating.

Her life was on the line and the guy was amused.

“You know that’s rude, right? Every time I say something, you laugh.”

“Really? You’re taking issue with my manners? We’re about a hundred feet below ground, running from men with guns, and you’re annoyed with my attitude. Is it any wonder I laugh?”

She scowled at his back but vowed to keep her mouth shut. “Does this tunnel run under the border?” Drat, that vow didn’t last long.

“They monitor the earth under the wall. You can’t tunnel there.”

So where did the tunnel go? Why were they using it? How were they going to get past the wall?

There was more chuckling. “I can hear you thinking. That brain of yours never stops, does it?”

Now he was just trying to irritate her. “Do intelligent women threaten you, Striker?”

The sultry look he cast her way made her stumble. “All the damn time, bébé, but my luck’s held out, and so far, they’ve never carried through with it.”

“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.


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